
This. I keep seeing "anybody who doesn't get has brain damage or isn't paying attention" and as someone with brain damage let me say: correct, most people AREN'T paying attention. Not closely. And they specifically tune out whatever sounds ridiculous, which helps these GOP positions go unnoticed.
The number of people who have replied to either argue or bemoan that “MAGA doesn’t care” like that’s the voting bloc we have to mobilize is going to make my brain melt out my ears like taffy on a warm summer’s day
The dynamics of social media, especially on a niche site like this that hasn't been unlocked for very long, magnifies the human tendency to assume the circles we move in are more broadly representative than they are.
The same mistakes that the media and the party insiders keep making of assuming that what they see and what concerns they have are widely shared with and/or relatable to other groups is made daily by people in groups I do agree with, or at least don't find despicable
There is a broad swath of voters who are okay voting R because they have spent years learning to tune out warnings about what the Rs want to do and are planning to do. Actual digestible copies of their actual plans helps a lot.
The fact that Trump and his closest cronies want to keep these plans deniable is proof that they are afraid. The reason they put this in the open in the first place is that"s part of the power grab. They resent feeling like they *have to* moderate their speech.
Remember: we are the reality-based community as an insult, because we lack the will to create our own reality. If Miller had been afraid of being associated with the project, he wouldn't have participated, creating the reality where their plans are a dirty secret that weakens them if exposed.
By doing it in the open, they gambled that no one who matters will speak up in a way that matters, and then when they win anyway, they create the reality where these positions are not vulnerabilities but something with a strong mandate. It wasn't a secret! The voters chose this!
Yes, this, and also doing it in plain sight makes their base feel powerful and bold. "I'm going to monologue my plan and you're too weak to stop me" is actual motivation for them.
Non-rich minority people here are saying they’re voting Trump because “Biden gave away too much welfare money for COVID and that’s why groceries cost so much, and Trump will fix it.” No notion whatsoever that his people will happily round up and exile them regardless of citizenship, or anything else
Not low information voters but no information and what they do get is either targeted propaganda or just nonsense