Alex Freidus

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Alex Freidus

schools, race, & inequality | ed leadership & policy |
writing a book about school diversity in NYC |
running & cooking & momming |
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Congratulations to all the Jewish critics of Israel, who have now been declared anti-Semitic by legitimate anti-Semites
the federal government, led by an ascendant explicitly white christian nationalist faction in control of one of the two major parties, producing a legally enforceable definition of antisemitism is one of the worst things i can imagine for american jews, and the congress just passed precisely that
Chag sameach! Reaching towards a liberated world for us all.
This afternoon, I had no idea where my 8 y.o. was for a brief time. He routinely walks himself home from the bus stop but today he just... didn't show up. He's fine. But it was a terrifying 10 minutes. Thinking of all the families in Gaza and elsewhere who endure this regularly.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Freidus
I can’t stop thinking about this poem. I’m afraid of what would happen if I did.
“Tonight We Die as a Family” a poem by Mohammed El-Kurd.
Not sure how many folks around here will be in Philly, but I'm looking forward to learning with colleagues at #AERA2024 ! Sunday morning, we'll be thinking through school segregation and integration in NYC and beyond. Join us (bring your coffee!) if you're around. Convention Center Room 115A.
I'm not actually all that interested in eclipses, but I am REALLY interested in people sitting on stoops, sharing tools with strangers, doing DIY science experiments, and wondering at the world around them.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Freidus
I want my representatives to really believe that this is going to be an anvil looped around their fucking necks—that public opinion will never forgive them and this will follow them around for the rest of their careers.
Why is there always ONE PERSON in the quiet car who just cannot be quiet?
Reposted byAvatar Alex Freidus
It's essential to point out that the budget cuts haven't been finalized and also that they aren't permanent which means that the actions we take can prevent the cuts. We can also EXPAND funding for public libraries if we organize for this.
I lament the lost Sundays almost every weekend. My kids need the library to: find new books, meet up with friends in a neutral place, get some space from our crowded apartment, and did I mention read? Losing Saturdays too would be awful. Time to organize!
Hard to describe as a parent how devastating it will be to lose Saturday and Sunday service. Losing Sundays has already been awful!
8 y.o. as "Never Gonna Give You Up" wraps up: Mommy, how do you put a song on repeat? Me: I am not going to answer that question!
My words of wisdom to Qual 1 this evening: "If you hate the idea of sitting down and having a long conversation with a stranger, maybe don't do an interview study."
Me: I will have a much greater impact by focusing on my students and my teaching than by trying to write one more thing. Scholar I deeply respect: I am focusing on my students and my teaching, not publication. Me: But... I want to know what you think!
Me waking up 8 year old this morning: Today's a very very special day! Kid: But we still have school? How special is it really.
Told my six year old that today is a bonus day for joy. Joy is not made to be a crumb.
Okay well now I'm weeping. But it's still my favorite.
I am drafting the acknowledgements for my book and wow is this my favorite writing assignment ever.
I am drafting the acknowledgements for my book and wow is this my favorite writing assignment ever.
When you are coding data every day for the next few weeks but you refuse to add Dedoose to your dock because that would imply it will be happening forever.
Today marks a year since my father died. The weeks surrounding his diagnosis and passing were almost unbearable. What I am choosing to remember today is all the ways that my community helped me bear it. Gifts they gave me that I hope to give to others in need, in the future. A few:
I know I'm not the only one listening to 1988 Tracy Chapman this morning as I get back to work. (It's taking me back to 12 year old listening and sewing and that actually is the perfect vibe for today's revisions.)
I'm pretty sure I've heard this argument before somewhere. Maybe we discussed it when I was teaching eleventh-grade US History or something? I should check and see if my students remember. Someone should.
Texas has the right to secede from the U.S. if its citizens decide to do so, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley argued on Wednesday, a controversial view that contradicts centuries of established history and precedent.
Nikki Haley says Texas can secede from US if it wants but 'isn't going to' Texas has the right to secede from the U.S. if its citizens decide to do so, Nikki Haley argued on "The Breakfast Club" on Wednesday
Every decision to teach something is a decision not to teach something else. There is no such thing as a instructional decision without tradeoffs. Sometimes the choices are easy, sometimes they're hard, but they are always choices - whatever some people might say.
Teachers, if I ask you how my kid is doing and what he needs to work on in your class halfway through the year and all you can tell me is that "he is a joy," I will have... thoughts. Some of them grateful, because that's not always the report. But some of them less so.
“This is a real ‘let them eat cupcakes’ kind of moment,” the principal said."
When you find yourself asking aloud, "But is the problem actually the bureaucracy or is it really the incompetence?"
I have been using Evernote to capture random thoughts and webpages for about 10 years. It's been handy. But now they want me to pay $130/year to make any new notes. What platform should I move to next?
Reposted byAvatar Alex Freidus
“i am running into a new year / and i beg what i love and / i leave to forgive me” — Lucille Clifton
One of the many things I was not prepared for about grief is how physically exhausting it is.
Truly, one of the only things that makes me feel good about Google docs is watching my beloved colleagues take on the roles of "anonymous kraken" and "anonymous muskrat."
Was very stressed tonight, and I tried not to take it out on the 8 y.o. when he mildly complained about bedtime. I was silently congratulating myself on my success when he said, "Why are you using your angry voice?" I... thought that was my calm voice? Which I apparently only use when I'm angry.