
Today in urban Alexandria: a young doordash delivery man in a ebike, next to a senior walking home from the pharmacy Will be great when Duke Street gets reconfigured to be safer & more pleasant for both
That is a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong crosswalk. As someone who almost got run over today in a long crosswalk by an inpatient driver who couldn’t be bothered to wait 20 seconds for us to cross, I wholeheartedly think this intersection pictured is not okay.
Unsurprisingly, at least one persons been killed here. With drivers ignoring the “no right on red” sign during walk signals, only a matter of time before it happens again DSIM’s center-running buses will help make it into 2 shorter crossings, plus hopefully more ped safety improvements
i unfortunately never thought much about this intersection length / crosswalk time until i hurt my knee last year. major reality check and putting myself in others’ (kids and seniors) shoes
Pushing a stroller around the last 2.5 years, & now walking with/carrying a toddler, has been similarly eye opening for me
Equally eye-opening is having your kid in daycare in Old Town where they stick them on rope lines and walk them through the streets to a nearby park. Love that they are learning street safety, hate the thought of impatient and distracted drivers.
Yes, stroller pushing was how I found out our neighborhood lacks an accessible route to Duke St.
Are you suggesting that walking across 8 lanes of highway in full sun is neither pleasant nor safe?
Don’t you put words in my mouth I would never!!!!!!! 😂
Enough with the woke agenda.
A developer paid for both of these actors to be bussed in and pose for this fake picture
When my wife and I were house hunting, we looked at a townhouse on Duke St not far from there. Very nice old house and within our budget, but neither of us wanted to live next to a highway like that.
Oh. I'll be making that walk during my lunch break today. At least the walk sign is a decent length, because that is a lot of road to cross.
I live down by Jone's Point. It's not perfect, but this city is hundred times better than most American cities as far as walkability goes.
Absolutely agree. And getting better every day! There are lots of issues still but I’m very grateful to live in a place that’s already made a ton of progress & that is actively pushing to keep improving on that
Will be very nice to be reconfigured but I think the structural problem of insufficient N-S connections between King, Seminary, and Eisenhower (& pts south) will always make improvements hard in multiple ways. (Ofc fixing that may be even harder.)