Steve Harvey Oswald

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Steve Harvey Oswald

Alexandria, VA.
Ok, I think the mic broke when it dropped after that last answer.
What the hell is wrong with Joe Biden? He hasn't brought up Hannibal Lecter even once during this press conference.
Dammit Joe Biden. Interrupting my Jeopardy! time. I'm voting for RFKjr now.
Next we’re gonna find out Trump “wrote” a book titled “Project 2025 And Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby”.
I'm a little worried about the furries in Pittsburgh for Anthrocon. It's 88 degrees, but feels like 96 due to the humidity. I hope everyone is hydrating properly, because it has to be hot in there.
Also, Anthrocon is happening in Pittsburgh this week, and I'm sad to be leaving the day before the parade, because that has to be fun.
Well, I'm out. Finally saw a Cybertruck in real life while driving around Pittsburgh. Looks as stupid as I thought, and strangely, too big for its design. Also cannot imagine how poorly it's going to do on these hills in the winter.
Did SCOTUS just give us a way out of our "Shitty Candidate" problem? Joe orders a drone strike on Trump. Then gets impeached and convicted and Kamala takes over. Then it's her VS. whoever is picked in place of Trump, while Joe lives out the rest in Delaware. It's a win-win.
Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas:
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
Got my chance to catch up on the last 2 episodes of The Acolyte. Not sure what got people all worked up. It's still only OK, but I didn't see anything to get upset over. Kind of pissed we didn't get to see Wookie Jedi do Wookie Jedi stuff.
Worth taking the time to watch. Or make your friends watch.
“A massive exodus of competence.” I worry that far too many people are tuned out and unaware of the fascist train speeding towards us. Must Watch: John Oliver on the Horror of “Trump’s Second Term”
Must Watch: John Oliver on the Horror of "Trump's Second Term" John Oliver discusses Donald Trump’s plans for a second term, why it could be much worse than his first term, and what Trump has in common with a hamster.
Excited to know that when I have a problem with city policy, I'll be able to walk down the street, bang on the Mayor's door, and demand an audience.
Finished up the long weekend with my first DASH trip. No one uses it? This bus was crowded and had people getting on and off at almost every stop.
Seen in Minnesota. Would love this for Alexandria
First time taking Metro out to Dulles. It takes a while, but it's stress-free. Would do it again.
It sure would be comical if Samuel Alito had recently published an opinion in which he expressed strong feelings about flags and wrote that passersby viewing a flag flying over a building would naturally assume the flag conveys some message on the owner's behalf
Unpopular opinion: Tom Bombadil sucks and I'm not excited to see him suck in live action.
Thanks, MAX. I definitely don't want to miss if this season ends on cliffhanger. The most recent story arc has been intense.
As a Virginian getting commercials for the West Virginia primary, the Republican Governor's primary appears to be a race to see who can be worse to trans people. It's pretty disgusting.
Looks like the Cameron Station "Civic Association" is encouraging people to make negative comments on the South Pickett Street Corridor improvements. No surprise there. But comments are open if you want to show support.
How is it, that in the year 2024, there are now two commercials that reference Allen Iverson's "practice" press conference? This happened 22 years ago. Who though it was relevant enough for 1 commercial, let alone 2?
Alexandria eclipse - as good as I could get with my phone.
If you have a system in which aid workers can communicate with senior staff to coordinate safe passage and then senior staff doesn’t tell the people pulling triggers, you don’t have a system to protect aid workers, you just want aid workers to think you do.
The Marvels was fun and Kamala is a delight. It's a shame it didn't get the credit it deserved.
I got to read a digital ARC of The Fury, by Alex Michaelides. If you like mysteries where all the characters are sociopaths, then I definitely recommend this book. It's actually a page turner and keeps you guessing. You just have to get past the fact that none of the characters are likable.
Well, this happened last night. Not as much as Leonsis wanted, but maybe enough to keep them in DC. I hope.
I hope he and Trump are buried next to each other so I don't have to lug these jars of piss to two different cemeteries.