Alex Wenzel

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Alex Wenzel

Postdoc at UC San Diego focusing on cancer transcriptomics. Also politics (views my own) and transit. Medic main in TF2. Ride the bus! he/him
I heard we’re posting timeline cleanses.
I find this last sentence chilling. It appears that Cajon Valley’s school board believes the district has no queer children. Or perhaps, no “genuinely” queer children. Or if it does, that it does not “serve” them.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Wenzel
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
I have three recent episodes of Knowledge Fight to catch up on. Impulsively opened one and then realized…nope. Jones has been fantasizing about assassination attempts excessively for the last month. I’m not ready to know whatever he’s said in the last few days.
Learn from my personal experience. Even speaking in seemingly obvious metaphor when labor relations fascists and cops are watching is a bad idea.
This is one of the moments I've been most grateful that this website has allowed me to return to chronological, non-recommended content. I can't even fathom opening the other site right now.
If this actually is what the short AP News story makes it appear to be, he’s going to win.
If Biden stays in and it indirectly tanks our transit ballot measure I’m going to be mad.
SDUT framing increased wages as a problem because the boss has to work.
Showed my family the 2012 San Diego fireworks show on the monthly Zoom. My two year old cousin's only reaction was "...oh no...oh no..."
Facts I can’t fit in screenshot: - Stalker known to SDPD and neighbors - Neighbors first called at 7pm - Neighbors called 5 more times after stalker broke in - Police arrived at 9pm but didn’t enter - Victim found dead next day According to the City, this is BLM’s fault somehow.
History would suggest that, if an organization is genuinely interested in opposing the return of fascism, that organization would not engage in legally questionable and ethically unacceptable attempts to undermine organized labor.
Love this time of year when AP News fills my phone lock screen with the worst news imaginable.
There are two stories in just today’s San Diego Union Tribune where the state admits that incarcerated people can’t have labor rights because it would collapse without its slaves.
Methods currently being called "AI" are no more capable of holding a concept in "mind" and acting on it than a simple linear model is. The dog I live with knows that she'll get food if she reacts to the phrase "hungry." She has no idea what concept is being communicated, it's just the food noise.
What teaching or research has System Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine Newman performed recently with her precious public pay?
The history graduate student who queries posts in this hour for their future thesis about Trump will see this bus.
Bill Walton’s stance on homelessness is undergoing significant whitewashing. He did a lot of charity work, yes, but it took the Marine Corps of all things to stop him from spending those resources on a concentration camp instead.
An interesting phenomenon so far is how little SDPD seems to care about the protests at UCSD. Admin presumably asked for protest aerial surveillance, and SDPD's helicopter made one loop and left...more than an hour after the protest ended.
I’m getting Bluesky notifications on my phone lock screen for replies in other parts of a thread that don’t mention me. These don’t show up in my notifications tab. Is there a way to turn this off or is this a bug? I can’t find any relevant settings.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Wenzel
At arguments in Grants Pass, Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson are pummeling the Gibson Dunn attorney defending laws that punish homeless people who sleep outside. Sotomayor asks: If homeless people aren't allowed to sleep anywhere, are they supposed to just "kill themselves"?
It should be the law that once you become a billionaire, you need to spend a certain number of hours per year with regular humans who don’t have a financial motivation for being in your presence. Because this needs to stop.
American Healthcare System: Why don't patients trust their doctors? Also American Healthcare System: Denies a specialty visit claim because the specialist determined that the primary care doctor was wrong.
UCSD has managed to get all of its NIH awards suspended.
Apart from pay relative to cost of living, this is the primary reason that GSRs and equivalent student-worker job classes are unionizing. And, even if not unionized, graduate workers have already organized informally at the program level. Blacklists exist and are very effectively communicated.
A lot of the predatory behavior in academia happens when men abuse junior scholars to build their reputation, and become academic-famous in their field. Well you know what, if you've hurt others on the way to becoming famous, don't be surprised at the visibility that comes with it.