
What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now
He is such an extreme danger to this Country! It's so sad that there are so many vulnerable uneducated people that believe him!!! #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
How do you reach someone who is 1 of the two quoted? (small purple town in Kansas, quote sought by Swedish newspaper looking for (and finding) Trumpers) "Both say Trump's commitment to Christian values while in the White House is important to why they support him now." It's so wrong & so believed
I don't know because I don't understand it myself! My sister who is a "Born Again Christian " votes for Trump along with 5 of her kids 4 of whom are girls! She's so afraid of Socialism, but not Facism? Like Jesus wasn't a Socialist?? It's mind boggling!
I have a relative who is like that. Her life is funded by social security and Medicare, without which she would be on the street. She rails against socialism and baby killers. She doesn't get the irony and she swallows every right-wing meme that comes along.
It is totally mind boggling that the people can't look in the mirror fora reality check!!