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Worried about our Democracy!
It's time to stop the hate & end the racism in this Country! Stop the Craziness of the MAGA! #LockUpTrump #Resist #Freedom #Removeassaultweapons #Antifa! I would love to see the end of All Wars!
I also garden & raise monarchs!
At a Family Parade today thus is just one display I saw that made me sickened!
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
"On Monday, John Roberts did far more damage to America's instituions than Donald Trump did on January 6." drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/07/03/n...
No longer a liberal democracydrafts.interfluidity.com drafts @ interfluidity
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
That sounds suspiciously like something someone who would eat a human would say. (screenshot via @acyn.bsky.social on Twitter)
First picture of the Pileateds looks like a mirror image but then you can see there's 2 of them!!
Why is everyone so afraid of TFG that they're willing to throw our Democracy away?!!!
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
Hillary Clinton: I agree with Justice Sotomayor about the immunity ruling from the MAGA wing of the Supreme Court: “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” It will be up to the American people this November to hold Donald Trump accountable.
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
"I am proud to go to prison. If this is what it takes to stand up to tyranny."-- Steve Bannon Really Opie? Because you sure played every card all the way up to the Supreme Court to try to stay out of prison for months.😂👍🤣
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
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Can we maybe get this bullshit updated?
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
Nobody’s mentioned this, so I guess I will: Thomas wrote a separate concurrence just to note Jack Smith was illegally appointed, a question nobody asked.
When does this new law start with immunity for a president?
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
he should just walk out and announce drone strikes on Mar-a-Lago
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
SCOTUS has ruled that presidents are essentially monarchs who can commit crimes, bribery is legal, federal regulatory agencies have no authority to keep us safe, and homeless people can be punished for being homeless. Is it any wonder why public approval of this court is so low?
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
He's so gross and I'm hoping KARMA finds him!!!
He had the nerve to say that he is glad to be going to prison. Such a fake and a liar. He will have to take off all 4 of those shirts and take a shower now. I'm sure all that dirt will stop up the drains.Yikes! 😂
Trump aide Steve Bannon reports to federal prison for defying House Jan. 6 subpoenawww.usatoday.com Former Trump aide Steve Bannon reported to prison for his 4-month sentence for defying a House subpoena about the Capitol attack Jan. 6.
to reiterate, I absolutely don’t blame anyone for feeling helpless and depressed right now - it’s an utterly rational way to feel - but I am saying that it’s gonna be important for us to do what we can to help motivate others to maintain hope in this moment
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
This fits exactly how I feel today!
My Mondays while unemployed for yet another week… Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893
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I hope Trump realizes that when he loses Biden can retaliate against him!!
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
Get to vote and assure others that normally sit on their heiny also do. There is absolutely nothing that can done until the Democrats control the house and 60 seats in congress, along with the President.
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
I’d love nothing more than to send these two packing.
When Biden becomes President he can have Trump executed!!! Yes sir!!! We can do this!! #VOTEBLUETOSAVEDEMOCRACY
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
Good for her. Do it.
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
My God this court has truly f’cked America on every level, these Justices should be prosecuted for the bribe taking, lies, and corruption, they just gave that power to Biden, he should use it, sadly he won’t bc he’s too F’ing decent! Fuck these criminal justices to hell!
Reposted byAvatar @aliasann
Happy #CanadaDay! 🇨🇦🌻🌼🪻St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador #Summer2024 #FlowerReport #GardenFeed