
"The time is past" is wrong for one reason: Biden told us he was capable of this. People voted for him because they believed this. They now feel he lied to them. That he betrayed them. And so something has to be done.
It’s such a perfect example of painting oneself into a corner. You’re exactly right, but the time for course correction has seemingly passed. I see no way he can maintain sufficient faculties for another 4 yrs, it’s now a faith that he can install “youth” to carry on the fight, if you will.
I sort of suspect they're like Trump voters now, though: I don't know if anyone or anything will make them happy.
The notion that people who are dissatisfied with a man who couldn't finish a sentence are just being irascible doesn't follow. It's not like he gave a C+ performance and people are bitching. He failed to meet a bare minimum during the election we're told is the most important in our lives.