alisonborealis (she/her)

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alisonborealis (she/her)

ecol/biologist in climate change (slowly being destroyed by climate change)
settler. knitter. antiracist. chronically ill.
#yeg Amiskwaciwaskahikan Alberta Treaty 6 Canada
born @ 340ppm CO2
There really does seem to be a forecaster duel between the morning and evening environment canada forecast updates. They've been changing the conditions like this for a couple days!
"Alberta is currently in stage 4 (out of 5) in its water shortage management response plan." These soil moisture reports are officially the coolest shit. Spring is THE season Alberta gets rain and some parts just aren't getting much at all.
Whoever was insisting that the drought in Alberta is fine now... It's not. Some parts have definitely gotten water, and that's great. But the province as a whole is still in major water deficit. And the fires are showing it. A few hot dry days will reverse the good spots.
Hold the phone. What's going on in the far northeast of BC?! Clearly it's not the only thing contributing to the continent-wide smoke (fires everywhere!!) but OOF.
Crummy news we could all already anticipate! Environment Canada's monthly temperature forecast for July 8 to August "Normal" is based off of 1995-2014. So it's hotter than recent memory.
HOWEVER They're still predicting only slightly probable (brain's mush can't word sorry) above-normal July-August-September. Except off the north Atlantic coast. Maybe it'll be cooler next month? map source: interactive map:
Insert extremely unimpressed magpie noises here. We are building tolerance so slowly it's going to be September before they'll eat while I'm on the balcony.
It's gonna rain I have not fallen asleep nor read my book once in the last hour. (Images of building grey clouds and trees)
Toaster planter progress! ... with a slightly better view of the seedlings. Sunflowers, nasturtiums, poppies, maybe some other things too. Uh, and chili pepper powder to keep the squirrel away.
Balcony garden update! Spicy pepper has been added to the flower pots! We shall see if it helps. A bunch still have protective mesh over them, but I'll be taking it off soon because the seedlings aren't happy. Toaster is FULL of seedlings. And I got new blue flowers for the bees.
Who are all these bugs and why are they EVERYWHERE on my balcony this year???
Balcony garden update! Spicy pepper has been added to the flower pots! We shall see if it helps. A bunch still have protective mesh over them, but I'll be taking it off soon because the seedlings aren't happy. Toaster is FULL of seedlings. And I got new blue flowers for the bees.
The Inside Out characters in my head
The Inside Out characters in my head
I bought too much at the farmers market. ... but they had rainier cherries AND fresh, delicious looking cilantro! (You know, in addition to everything else) It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood!
Yesterday's walk, in pictures. Bumblebee in some white lilacs A view down Whyte Ave, Friday afternoon. The Church of McJesus pavillion (sidewalk bump-out rest area). Tipton has a splash park!
If you see this - post a bird
If you see this - post a bird 🎨 • Corvus&Crater •
ahem. I still want everything in my shopping cart. I may have had a thing for a particular bluey-green tone when I was looking at most of the fabrics... Sleeping on it.
Walked around the block looking for the source of the smoke flowing into my windows (it's not here or it's a tenant with heinous weed)... Found a lagomorph instead. #BunAlert! I think it's one of our beloved white-tailed jackrabbits. ... in need of shedding.
Time for mending and hand-sewing on the balcony! I'm trying to make a skirt out of old t-shirt scraps... which I will then ... I dunno... stamp? Paint? It's mostly just bands of different shades of green (though about to get a tie-dye panel), so I feel like it needs something more...
ok. I know I just bought fabric... but hear me out...
WTF IS THIS! Look at Wednesday. 🫠
One of THE best things about Edmonton summer: A Kasmiri chai milkshake from Remedy! (Decaf chai with green cardamom and star anise, topped with pistachio and rose petals)
Also, because apparently I've spent enough at this shop now, they gave me a little pocket mirror from their fabric wholesale supplier. What a weird piece of swag Oh, I forgot. Not only is the Frank Lloyd Wright fabric soft and flowy, it's organic cotton, too, apparently. It's called March Balloons
I'd been thinking about making a reversible bucket hat in the turtles on white and the animals holding hands on the medium green for a family toddler... but they're both so soft and I'd be worried about the white being a bit see-through that I may need to figure out a stiff interlayer or something.
I got my fabric order! Which is very exciting (the one I ordered in march before getting covid). Most of the fabrics are beautifully soft and the colours are so vivid. And while I have plans for some, I am rethinking my plans for others... Because they're so soft. This is better than fabric land.
A thing that bothers the heck out of me is that stripey rugs can warp really weirdly because the stripes aren't always made the same way or with the same materials. 🙃 Anyway, i vacuumed. I moved furniture to vacuum. And I flipped my rug around so it's less likely to murder me. Please clap.
I am NOT happy about next week. This is garbage. #yeg #yegwx
I just finished this lovely book (which won the Governor General's literary award) Do you have memories of being an angsty teen? Are you the parent of an angsty teen? In need of a reconnecting-to-your-family-roots story? Want more Indigenous stories? David A Robertson's Theory of Crows is for you!