
While we’re talking about masks again: a reminder that these hellaciously infectious strains do not give af about your little cloth mask and scoff at your ear loops. If you are flying or going to crowded indoor spaces get yrself a headstrap N95 with a moldable nose bridge. I like 3M Auras.
I have to admit I find N95s deeply frustrating because I have yet to find one that doesn’t uncomfortably squash my nose. 😩
Oh no! Have you tried duckbills? My sweetie has a flatter nose-bridge and they seem to work better for him. It also seems to be partly about headstrap positioning.
I have a tall thin nose with a turned up end, and a long thin face (plus glasses). I’m down to Happy Masks being the only style that actually fits, plus an MSA elastomeric that’s too hardcore for everyday life (plus it’s not great with glasses). It’s frustrating!
That is super frustrating! I hesitate to rec more bc I’m sure you’ve tried most. The readimasks didn’t work for you? Wrong shape?
Adhesive sensitivity! ::laughing:: I’m fucking cursed.
The Happy Masks (and the now defunct Airgami) work because they bell up and out from the mid-bridge instead of continuing straight. It’s a really uncommon design, and most companies don’t show the profile, so it’s hard to choose before buying.
Oh nooooo! Well, you are one of the people I am trying to protect when I wear mine. 💙 I have other friends who truly can’t mask bc of breathing issues.
I wore BOTN KN95s for a while but switched to Auras. Had a chance to go back and try a KN95 on after and it felt as protective as the feedbag on this horse--even with adjustable loops tightened to the max. 😱😳 The only move I'll make from where I am now is ➡️ MORE protection.