
thinking about writing about this as an interesting internet subculture conflict -- is it that mastodon users are mad that bluesky isn't on activitypub, and then bluesky users are mad that mastodon is mad? and the cultural divide of bluesky being a bit more shitposty and mastodon being more rules-y?
man i hate the mastodon/bluesky fighting
tell me the drama and the hot goss (by that i mean, link me to discourse)
thank you! 👀
some good coverage downthread of this:
and downthread of this
The reactions on Mastodon to the creation of an opt-out-only Bluesky-Mastodon bridge are pretty much exactly what you'd expect the reactions on Mastodon would be like to the creation of an opt-out-only Bluesky-Mastodon bridge
Also just clarifying that bridgy-fed isn't a Bluesky pbllc thing
honestly the issue i've got with this discourse is that a bunch of people seem to think this is a thing Bluesky the company is doing and not just an independent developer making use of the protocol to do protocol things
err i think we're actually just Bluesky Social PBC now or smth i don't remember, think we dropped the llc
ty! honestly not sure if I’ll dive into it or not but yeah moreso kinda interested in the internet culture-y aspect than anything
another small clarification, hasn't quite made it opt-*in*, he's testing a sort of compromise between opt-in and opt-out, which is closer to opt-in
Yeah, it's hopefully fully both. Maybe closest to Apple's IDFA prompt: shows you the choice and info at the right time, without a default, and lets you choose.