
If Biden loses in Nov, well, that’s a disaster for everybody, but not especially for Joe Biden, he’ll be okay (unless revenge indictments start flying) but if Trump loses, that’s 100% absolutely a massive catastrophic personal tragedy for him, and I really hope you all join me in making that happen
An underrated possible future is that in a few months time Donald Trump loses the election and then spends the rest of his life in court and in jail for his many crimes. Like, this could definitely be how things go
This is the absolute best way to get people voting for Biden
I think so... all else aside, don't we all really want to see Donald Trump spending the rest of his life sitting in court and/or in prison?
I feel like the Democrats won't do anything unless he breaks the law again, but the idea that the people he owes money to, might stop being patient when he has no power - I think that is more likely and painful.
There are already 3 indictments against him outstanding. If he becomes President he can get them dismissed, if he loses the election then he spends the next however many years fighting them in court and/or imprisoned.
my tired depressed feeling is democrats will be like "well we can't be seen punishing him" while the republican administration is like "can't wait to bounce these fuckers into our kangaroo courts"
I don’t think that’s how Biden operates. There are going to be very annoying pundits and worriers telling him not to further pursue charges if Trump loses. But he personally loathes Trump, holds grudges, and recognizes the threat, and I think he’ll ignore the naysayers and keep at the prosecution.
That's not how he operates either. He lets the Justice Department do its thing and he doesn't interfere.
Keep at the letting the Justice Department do their thing, then, and not go all Gerald Ford on the situation.