
And this is ALL Jewish food. Cause we never stayed anywhere for long all our recipes are hand-me-downs. We have dishes that share the same name but you'll never find anyone doing it any way but the one they learned from their mom or grandma and it'll all depend on where they fled from and fled to.
I love those heritage recipes where everyone has a slightly different version, because after making 2 or 3 of them, you, too, have extremely strong opinions on which is The Correct Version and have started tweaking them all to get closer to your ideal recipe
The only way to make accurate Jewish food is to serve it to six Jewish people who all say it’s good but quietly believe their grandma’s is better.
my high culinary praise was my MIL telling me i made the best latkes she'd ever had I'm a better cook than my mom for some stuff but my mom was very much "soup mix and package" stuff for cooking and I'm not lol
No, Really, If You Want Your Brisket To Taste Like Bubbe’s You Have To Use Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix
oh i know. onion soup mix and tomato sauce. I make a better brisket that uses neither lol. it doesn't taste like my mom's (didn't grow up on grandma's) but I think it's better overall
My grandma's goulash has V8 in it and you know what? It works!
my mom made a great brisket! but I can do better lol. I am not judging at all, it's just I use a brisket recipe I think makes the best I've ever had. but my real trick is to cook it 3/4 done, then pull out and stick in fridge for 3 days. skim fat, slice meat, put back in oven for an hour.
Oh I don't think you're judging! I just always think it's funny because it's an old-country czechoslovakian Jewish recipe from great great grandmas and then there's V8 🤣 I'm sure historically it was tomatoes or tomato juice and she pepped it up.
The year that my mom had to prep and mostly cook the brisket ahead of time and freeze it, and then finish it day of was the year that we learned THAT IS THE WAY.
That's basically the one I learned. Basically the reheat does a secondary cook in the brisket's own juices. Always comes out fork tender. I use a kosher salt & fresh cracked black pepper dry rub followed by a wet rub of stoneground mustard, Worcestershire sauce, & ketchup.
My mom’s beef stew recipe called for red wine and I could never get it right at first. Took me a while to realize that we never had proper red wine in the house, but we DID have “specially sweetened” Concord grape wine. Put that in and voila — just like mom’s.
(Little secret though: my mom was not the best cook.)
You solve that by getting six Jewish grandmas.
Me, when it comes to my grandma’s chicken stock.