Jay in NH

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Jay in NH


Habs fan formerly living in the White Mountains (now in NJ).

Note: All photos posted taken of stuff around me, wherever I happened to be at the time, with a few taken by friends.

My skeetfeed: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:4dxkilsaj6llqqteq25ajzxp/f
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lmao at people still paying for things you can get for free on the internet
Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
im getting buff from playing the banjo lowkey. which is kind of worrisome actually because how weak were my arms if this is something they found strenuous
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The instinct (particularly online) to denounce a good action because it's not enough or not fully aligned with your preferred motivations is dysfunctional. Applaud good stuff. Jeer bad stuff.
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Know what happens at the end of Shark Week?
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Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
Some of you didn’t spend the summer stripping the Barbies you’d outgrown naked, turning the hose on full blast and repeatedly shooting them off the edge of the birdbath and it shows
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The best way to stay healthy is to have a judgemental doctor
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When I die I don't want anyone to talk about what killed me. Please list all the incredibly stupid things that I survived
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*opens humidor, revealing it's full of corn dogs* Help yourself. Take one for the drive home too. Don't be shy.
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Seems like a lot of you are working which isn’t good for me as I run on attention
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I heard a chipotle worker say “you have to give it that GUAC TUAH, and take the pit out that thang” while training a new employee
Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
burned my balls on my wife’s straightening iron again
It sounds a little arrogant but it’s mathematically true: Think of someone you know who’s truly of average intelligence. If that person is average, half the world is less intelligent than they are. Let that sink in a bit.
I try not to be cocky but nearly 41 years out in the world has made it clear to me that I really am smarter than the majority of people out there
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About once a year I think of this convo that took place in 1996 Friend: We went to Electric Avenue. It was not in the greatest neighborhood Me: How much of the song have you listened to? Friend: Song? Me: Good God
On this sultry night The fireflies play hide and seek Tiny shouts of joy
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Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
[first date] ME: so what’s your major DATE: physics ME: ooh can you tell my future DATE: wha- ME: what am i thinking right now
Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
maybe stop lamenting about who your choices are for president & instead start figuring out why you have no idea who your state & local politicians are
I missed yesterday’s discourse on the subject but I will just add that this is a generation that explored ingesting Tide Pods. Their judgment in any matters may not be quite sound just yet.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
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I haven't cared what anyone thinks about my clothes for over 30 years. I'm certainly not able to start because someone who wasn't even born before I stopped caring has an opinion.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
Good morning grill kings
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Those 12 hours of rain to asleep to videos are just the sounds of chicken being deep-fried
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Ever meet someone so funny that you just know their entire childhood was a nightmare
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me: are you ready to leave? wife: yes. me: but you’re still in your pajamas. wife: oh you meant the house.
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Nothing like buying out these XXL candy cane shirts says you're a member of the New England Santa Society... 🎅
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ok but out of context “Alicia Silverstone” is an incredible name for a fantasy character
Reposted byAvatar Jay in NH
The world needs an AI trained exclusively on Bluesky posts.