
I don't get it, why can't they commit fraud? Congress is doing it, scotus is doing it, the presidents do it, the wealthiest people in the world do it, everyone they are told to look up to and respect are celebrated for it. Why wouldn't they think they could commit fraud? It's the American Way.
Gen Zers are so disillusioned with the economy that they think it’s OK to commit A third of Gen Zers either know someone who has participated in payment fraud or have done so themselves.
"Each quarter, my company Sift produces an index report" please do not be a mark
yes. this is someone selling anti-fraud services with "nine out of ten dentists agree"
...the article I am expressly saying I disagree with? That I am calling dumb and stupid? And using to make a point about everything being on fire? Well thanks for confirming anyway. Wild. I will try not to be a mark with things I see through and take umbrage with. 🫡
hold up, you're disagreeing with it? My bad if so, but I don't get what point you were trying to make then
i'm happy to delete stuff if i got you wrong but i admit i am confused as to what you were trying to say, then
Read my own reply to the initial post actually it might clarify. I'm just objecting to the fact that this headline appeared in Forbes dunking on gen z for fraud while fraud is literally what every politician and company (especially via ai) is currently rewarded (even lauded) for.
Nothing deeper, just an ironic shitpost. You don't know me so no worries but I might be the most militantly anti-"ai" bloke you've ever met
anyone selling you AI-based financial services is a huckster but more to the point, i read both of those posts as acknowledging the claim in the headline and making apologia for it, rather than calling the headline absurd garbage. it seems like most of the replies read it that way as well
I would say you're radically misinterpreting both the post and the replies, all people whom I know well who are also anti-ai and who also engage primarily with irony and shitposting; but I do appreciate you not being a jerk about it (sincere comment)