
I don't get it, why can't they commit fraud? Congress is doing it, scotus is doing it, the presidents do it, the wealthiest people in the world do it, everyone they are told to look up to and respect are celebrated for it. Why wouldn't they think they could commit fraud? It's the American Way.
Gen Zers are so disillusioned with the economy that they think it’s OK to commit A third of Gen Zers either know someone who has participated in payment fraud or have done so themselves.
The doe eyed wow I just don't know why gen z is like this wow gen z tut tut gen z of this article wants to make me burn Forbes HQ to the ground I love gen z, gen z has done nothing wrong. Millennials neither, really. You never gave us the chance to do anything
we've been advertised and coddled into a corner where they've proceeded to pretend we'll eventually get promoted to a full time permanent position once the old guy retires and maybe then we can move into a 1 bedroom apartment!
And we (Millennials) were held out and held back so long we'll never be able to afford to retire, so we're naturally only going to continue to make it worse for everyone coming up behind.
Well, I mean, I hope I'm not going to make it worse for everyone coming up behind me, but also, there's a whole lot of structure in place that makes it hard to prevent this from happening and we need to be in positions to dismantle it before we can do much about it. (besides striking)
GenX feeling neglected and forgotten made sense when Millennials weren't around, but they suck SO hard for staying out of it once they had us as natural allies. Millennials and Gen Z are TIGHT, I love them. Our legacy will be holding the door open. And that is all right. We are the first nu-gen.
The generational downhill shitting has stopped with us, most people my age I see are boosting the genz/alpha block. And we really like em. Gen X could have changed things by forging an alliance instead of becoming boomers. The kids (us and younger) are all on the same team though, let's burn it down
We're all boiling in the same pot.
Any time one of my gen x cohort criticizes the young ones I'm compelled to snap at them. We owe them solidarity and allegiance if for nothing else but our own feral experience.
I wish I had the wherewithal to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in ppe loans during the pandemic like members of congress did that I didn’t have to pay back
right. I didn’t even get the extra $600 a week what makes me think I could have gamed the system
See, the mistake you made, as did we Brits, was not have a mate or two in the government who we could approach for your fictional company that made masks etc.
…or an elderly relative you could force to walk around the garden for charity, make millions off of, and then when they died (because of a trip they were forced to go on), make a large pool house that you told everyone was an office for your charity.
the formula was right under my nose
Pay off my student loans that will restrict my ability to get other loans including for businesses. That’s a forward thinking business expense right?
Scotus said bribes were ok like LAST WEEK
No no not bribes. they are just gratuities! It's not a bribe if you follow the right order of operations!
Companies are so enamored with profits, they commit fraud. Executives are so enamored with personal profiteering, they commit fraud. But individual poors? Fucking criminals. What is it they say about a fine? Legal for the privileged.
Steal a little they throw you in jail Steal it all and they make you king
Omg they finally found that ever elusive "trickle down economy" we've supposed to have been enjoying since 1980!
Not to mention GenZ watched their GenX parents have the Boomer-instilled loyalty to corporations bite them in the ass over and again during the last 20 years of wealth transfer - instability, austerity, job loss, home loss, etc. Nobody watches that and then goes “hard work is how you get ahead”
hard work works but only in the realms of sneakin' and swindlin
"Fraud? The thing phone calls come from?"
Girls deserve a little fraud, as a Treat
Well, if you call it mutual aid- *hustled into nearby van*
You wouldn't download a bank account, would you?
I'm only okay with fraud if it leads to the ultimate demise of market capitalism.
I've been saying for a while, it's amazing how far down the chain the official malfeasance has spread so fast. It's at city level now. Of course they're going to try to get in on the action.
It's only fraud if you don't keep making money
Here's an Archive link so you don't have to pay Fortune to read the article:
Well, it’s obviously not cool anymore when the *poors* do it!
One finds one requires a grift of one's own...
This coming from Fortune is rich, says the bourgeois' PR rag
"Each quarter, my company Sift produces an index report" please do not be a mark
yes. this is someone selling anti-fraud services with "nine out of ten dentists agree"
...the article I am expressly saying I disagree with? That I am calling dumb and stupid? And using to make a point about everything being on fire? Well thanks for confirming anyway. Wild. I will try not to be a mark with things I see through and take umbrage with. 🫡
hold up, you're disagreeing with it? My bad if so, but I don't get what point you were trying to make then
i'm happy to delete stuff if i got you wrong but i admit i am confused as to what you were trying to say, then
Read my own reply to the initial post actually it might clarify. I'm just objecting to the fact that this headline appeared in Forbes dunking on gen z for fraud while fraud is literally what every politician and company (especially via ai) is currently rewarded (even lauded) for.
Shit like this absolutely infuriates me, as someone who's in charge of financial controls and compliance at work. It erodes policies that work to avoid conflicts of interest, and it's depressing to be committed to doing things the right way while wanton corruption, graft, and bribery get greenlit.
It's the only egalitarian institution we have left.
Oh! Oh! I got this one! *raises hand* Because the general punishment for the wealthy is a fine that's a fraction of a fraction of their net worth, while the same fine for a non-wealthy person would be enough to bankrupt them! After all...
I keep thinking a fraudulent start up would be cool, get a decent paycheck at a decent job for a bit, with VC money that I'm fine with wasting.
And tbh the kind of fraud described here actually hurts absolutely no one.
I should correct myself. When done against the people Forbes cares about (ultra wealthy corporations), no one is harmed. Don't do this to artists or small businesses. But we all know thats not who Forbes is concerned with.