
alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does
Love the Democrats ruling out ever doing anything about it. Heck of an opposition party
Honestly asking: what are their options? They can impeach justices, right?
Impeachment requires the house bud.
Also a 2/3ds majority in the senate which we don't have unless you honestly believe republicans are going to sign onto it.
Ah so the same process as for a president :(
Basically. The Constitution was written to make sure the three branches could check each other but not run roughshod over each other. They somehow didn't anticipate a system where an entire faction has enough power to just jam all the wheels and proceed to laugh about it.
It can be rough to hear this when we saw someone in that very office recently flagrantly disregard the Constitution for any reason or whim he had, so I get where a lot of the people saying this come from. "We go high, they go low" works when you have opponents with a conscience (not Republicans)
Unfortunately, some of what let the former President do that was the fact that the rest of the Republicans can jam the gears. We saw that with the impeachment hearings: they ground on but ultimately it was mostly a party-line vote.
When they go low, we should grab the back of their heads and hold their faces in the dirt until they stop breathing
Part of that issue was that there were multiple parties at the time, not just two giant ones. Much less chance of a single party getting control if there are like, 6 competing
Yeah but they also lived in era where if someone was being an asshole you could challenge them to a duel and shoot them in the chest with a flintlock pistol.
They knew that was going to happen because the pro slavery faction that wrote a good part of the constitution planed to and then did exactly that. This is all how it’s supposed to work, it was written with built in mechanisms that makes keeping things the same much easier than changing them.
And this should be a campaign issue for all local House seats. “We’ll get rid of corrupt Judges, especially insurrectionists” Sounds catchy to me.