Amos Magliocco

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Amos Magliocco

Writer, Teacher, Tornado Seeker
Reposted byAvatar Amos Magliocco
If someone Black told you about a "blind spot" in 2016 or 2020 and you're *still* not considering Black voices and/or ideas then congrats! That blind spot is still there and it's time for some self-reflection
So saying that Tressie or Jamelle leaving doesn’t “make or break this place” communicates to me that the person’s definition of success doesn’t consider Black users as a whole. Which, good luck with that given what we know about how things become widely popular 4/?
Reposted byAvatar Amos Magliocco
Ahead of the new Twisters movie, I wrote a post for Slate about how Twister changed storm changing and exposed fissures that were already forming back in 1996. Check it out: Huge thanks to for her advice and for her editing.
How the Original Twister Changed Storm Chasing Back then, chasers thought the media hubbub would die down after a bit. That was not the case.
Reposted byAvatar Amos Magliocco
One of the most consistently excellent agencies of the federal government. All the weather apps and all the TV weathercasters depend on this agency and its equipment and its forecast models completely.
They have such winning ideas like “why don’t we charge people who want to know if that tornado is gonna hit their house.”
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
It’s easy to say Carmen is reborn a Michelin-hunting bully, but what they’re attempting together is punishing and hard. Carmen collects all the ire.
Wow. Hard to imagine a more troubling choice. Gotta vote. Gotta share the reasons with family and friends so they vote, too.
Reposted byAvatar Amos Magliocco
SHIT LIST releases today with a 7 p.m. reading @ravenbookstore. It's a reminder of what Trump has done and what he will happily do again, but it's also a book about indie rock and NBA basketball. #LFK
There wasn’t going to be a trial before Nov 2. The case would only subtract from the minuscule attention given to policy and ideological differences anyway. And there’s such a stench of illegitimacy about the ruling, it heightens the odor of chaos around TFG.
Jamie Lee Curtis is going to win awards for this episode that haven’t been invented yet.
I used Shazam to identify Adrienne Lenker’s “No Machine” from The Bear S3 E7. I assumed it was some obscure Big Thief single. Her melodies are so smart.
The leaders who want to hold the country together are saying the right things. Soon we will hear from the others.
Reposted byAvatar Amos Magliocco
Twitter right now is clips of Biden being like “look how many jobs I created for working families” and “leftists” crowing about how soft his voice is in the replies, and I think social media has just ruined us, politically and morally
It’s awfully clever of the NYT to spool out their 100 Books list at the same time as they push theocratic totalitarianism onto the western world. Such daily controversy is irresistible for book brains. (White Teeth too low!)
I mean, an electorally significant percentage of your voters, like 2-6% won’t even know who the new nominee *is* given only 15 weeks. They literally won’t know who’s running, never mind what that person is like or what—god forbid, I know this doesn’t matter to social media—their policy positions.
Unless you list Barack Obama on the ballot, D turnout will plummet. Voters don’t show up in numbers for someone they don’t know. You don’t need a poli sci degree or the seventy years of hard evidence to grasp this fundamental truth. Simply think about the not overly-online people you already know.
I don’t know what to think of this season yet but I’ll be needing one of those sauce spoons.
One reason to question the connection between writer and the writing is how often good human beings produce immoral fiction, not immoral because it’s incompetent, but because it’s false or unrestrained or determined to indict its own characters. It never intends to discover or admit surprise.
And I’m staying out of that dust up, too. Not that the person making sense needs my help in the first place.
I love the show. It’s a bit of a stretch how everybody argues with the elite chef about operating the elite restaurant.
I just surfaced from an immersion in 1850s London via the unrivaled VR tech of Charles Dickens’ Bleak House. What a structure in that novel. Characters so impossibly human.
From the Dept of Silver Linings, now we know exactly what the stakes are.
You’re going to need 84M votes to win this time. Run someone who 80% of those folks never heard of and you’ll be lucky to get 70M. An incumbent’s electoral advantage is based on name recognition and voters’ proven skepticism about change or the unknown, not if the incumbent had a cold in June.
Posted this before the SCOTUS ruling. Had no idea Chevron would be announced today. The dearth of affordable housing was addressed in last night’s debate, not that you can tell from your timeline. From the (free to read!) transcript:
I was glad to hear POTUS discuss homelessness and the plan to add millions of additional housing units. If you didn’t watch, you can read what they said. Here’s a transcript of the whole debate:
READ: Biden-Trump debate rush transcript | CNN President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participated in their first debate of the 2024 election season on CNN Thursday.
I was glad to hear POTUS discuss homelessness and the plan to add millions of additional housing units. If you didn’t watch, you can read what they said. Here’s a transcript of the whole debate:
READ: Biden-Trump debate rush transcript | CNN President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participated in their first debate of the 2024 election season on CNN Thursday.
Nobody watches the whole game anymore. They watch clips online after the game. Pay attention to the clips posting already tonight and see if they don’t alter your perception of the game, if you’re among the few who watched the whole thing.
What I’ll remember about this debate is how long we’ve gone without mentioning the attack on the US Capitol to overturn a national election and potentially murder who knows how many members of the government. CNN is so polite! It’s like a Victorian novel.
Ten years straight talking about this guy, reading about him and thinking about him and worrying what chaos he’ll unleash. One of the most vile creatures in the history of American public life. And yet, here we are still. It’s hard to understand.
The heat is disorienting. In delerium I confused an FSG ad on the back of the new Paris Review for a table of contents, and was excited to read an excerpt from’s new novel. Reader, there was no such excerpt. Back to my search for water and shade.
Dickens's amazing Bleak House (think The Trial meets Downton Abbey) is on the reading list for a Worldbuilding course I plan to teach. This passage is about the self-sustaining legal system and its useful disguise.