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The 11-year-old: “What if they played with whoopie cushions instead of baseballs?”
Happiness is keeping score at a @Mariners game with Seattle up 4-1.
Current status: surrounded by Canada in Seattle.
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
i think akhil amar reed captures something very important, which is that the roberts court rewrote article ii, which explicitly states that a president can be held criminally liable after impeachment (and which has long been understood to mean that he can be held liable after leaving office)
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.
Continuing my lonely and probably kid-embarrassing but objectively righteous campaign of bellowing “Louie Louie” at top volume during the seventh-inning stretch.
The 7-year-old, asking the questions we need to think about: “What will you do if paintbrushes attack?”
Remember how I’ve been saying our democracy depends on your vote this November? This is one thousand times truer now.
And mine.
Just read a post suggesting that Troi's empathy is just an ability to hear the episode's background music when someone is speaking. This is now my personal canon.
The 11-year-old, just now: “You’re the best napkin in the world, Mama.”
Poppy has claimed my book.
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
If you really thought Trump was going to wipe the floor with "Sleepy Joe," you wouldn't spend the whole week before the debate smearing the moderator and preemptively accusing Biden of being on performance enhancing drugs
they are not projecting confidence about how Thursday is going to go
If you’ve ever sat at a stoplight trying to brush your teeth before the light turns green, you might be a woodwind player. #AmFluting
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
Really hoping the umpire is named Shrimp
I think I just got bopped on the noggin by a dragonfly.
The 11-year-old: “I want to be a tsunami. I want to cause devastation.” 🌊
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
Sometimes I think it would be more efficient and cost-effective for our family simply to run our own Parmesan manufactory.
I never noticed before that there’s a scene in Inside Out where Michael Giacchino pretty much quotes from his own music from the first season of Lost.
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
There was momentary silence around the fire … and then there was the 11-year-old’s voice: “I can do armpit farts.”
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
Translation: We only accept victory. Any loss is by definition illegitimate.
RNC Chair Michael Whatley on Republicans refusing to unequivocally accept election results: "When we get the results that are going to be fair, accurate, secure, and transparent, then we are going to accept those. Look, I look forward to having President Trump back in the White House."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on RNC Chair Michael Whatley on Republicans refusing to unequivocally accept election results: "When we get the results that are going to be fair, accurate, secure, and transparent, then we are going to....
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
Alito lied about the reason the flag was up because he didn’t know the couple had text messages establishing the date of when the incident took place. They were supporting the insurrection.
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
Democrats need to make the Supreme Court - not just Dobbs, but the threat posed by the court itself - a bigger issue in the campaign. I make the case at MSNBC:
Opinion | It’s time for Justice Alito to face some Democrats should make the Supreme Court more of a campaign issue
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
"Trump has shown in the past that he intends to dismantle democracy; he's promised the same in the future. Fair presidential elections may be coming to an end if he wins. Horserace coverage is misleading if it fails to make clear that in the near future there may be nothing but rigged races."
Trump isn't joking about serving 3 or more He wouldn't leave power willingly the first time. He won't if he returns to power.
Reposted byAvatar AmyRhody
Josh Jones wasn’t expecting to lose his dream job. The first Black musician in the orchestra’s history to land a leadership position, his departure would soon trigger a larger debate in the orchestra world about race, tradition and how the profession welcomes, or resists, new members.
A Black rising star lost his elite orchestra job. He won’t go Josh Jones thought he was unfairly let go from the Kansas City Symphony and went public about a system some think hobbles the careers of promising musicians.
The 11-year-old: “We put people on the moon before we put wheels on suitcases.”
The 7-year-old: “Am I a ticking time bomb?” 💣