
a lot of people who don't seem interested in the order in which these things have to happen also don't really get that in order for biden to issue any kind of threat with teeth, he's got to have congressional democrats behind him, nearly to a man and woman. call your congresscritters.
i don't know whether AOCs call for impeaching the justices will be the right one (it doesn't have a chance in hell of getting through), but the conversation has to start with congress, who are prime offenders in letting the court get to this point, and i'm encouraged someone there recognizes that
call them anyway and call them often i mean i tired with mine and it didn't really do anything but at least I slept well
but, my previous MP at least replied to me in writing so I have some letters printed on nice paper, which could be considered historical documents
(also we used them as template for making props for the movie)