Andrea Lambert

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Andrea Lambert

Writer. Artist. Queer. Schizoaffective. Media maker. Nevada recluse. Sober. Gen X. Cat person.
I signed the contract, so Angelina at the Serrano is coming soon from Rochak Publishing. $17 paperback on Amazon.
Hey fellas, if you're chatting up a lady on Valentines Day ends with her having to block you after rejecting you, you are doing it wrong.
Every Valentines Day I watch Evita. It's the perfect cynical love and life are temporary grief more permanent and power more durable. And Madonna is amazing.
It is true that men need women way more than women need men. I just dodged a bullet in my second lonely hearts let's hit up single women pre Valentine's Day chat.
But the heats on now, so who cares.
It only got weird after the handyman left then got on his cell phone on my porch to bitch about how gross the batteries I found were. I'm like dude, I just paid you $99 for something I could have done myself, be remotely professional and get off my lawn.
I mean, ladies, if a handyman confronted you with needing AA batteries, where would you look?
And no one needs to know where the batteries that went in the thermostat came from, I was as nonchalant as one can be given that situation. A surprise, I thought it needed some special battery like a car does.
I want to make a film or write or something but have no ideas.
Ugh, I hate menopausal brain fog.
Damn, today the heat went out. There is snow on the ground. I'm sitting here waiting for the handyman.
I don’t know why I feel like watching ancient episodes of True Blood and randomly computing tonight, but it’s nice and relaxing. The Super Bowl commentary seems over. My cats are bouncing around being cats. I think it’s snowing.
This clip of Jon Oliver talking about Chuck E Cheese is absolutely hilarious. For me it ended on a gun commercial which was very shocking.
My policy of destigmatization by demystification has taken a personal toll.
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It's been a while. But an important reminder.
I’m interested in connecting with more people over 40, especially women. I’m 47.
I think I like Drag Race on a Friday night because I never feel overdressed. I moved to Reno seven years ago but the Hollywood still hasn’t worn off and at my age I don’t think ever will.
So my idea of a hot Friday night is watching an old Season of RuPauls’s Drag Race and absent mindedly computing. With this cat. Perhaps other cats.
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twitter users stone age in 2023 hunter-gatherers 🤝 mastodon attempt failed, turned to sky worship for sustenance
Reposted byAvatar Andrea Lambert
"ai is making it so everyone can make art" everyone can make art dumbass it came free with your fucking humanity
My friend said that the Sims is actually really good for kids in bad home situations because they can create an ideal world where everything is perfect. I’m 47 and only share space with cats, but as for escaping the fucked up world outside, YES.
I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with the Sims and their spin offs lately. I do have better things to do, but I keep getting sucked in.
My cats love the self cleaning litter box, took to it immediately. I have five floofs, I was concerned, but situation: litter box seems fine.
I’m waiting for my new book, Angelina at the Serrano, to come out from Rochak Publishing. I approved the cover already, so seems like soonish.
Okay, hello Bluesky. I just heard they'd dropped the invite process so figured I'd sign up. I like the way they have it configured to look like dear old Twitter. (RIP).