
There’s so much weird here but I’m stuck on why her metric would be her assumption of what a hundred women would say about what kinks men had rather than… you know… any surveys of men?
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
More weird: She asked him whether he knew from other straight men what straight men want from women (which would involve asking them “hey what kinky shit are you personally into”), which… does she think straight women ask each other that either?
I'm gonna have to take your word for it. I got to "penised lesbians" and my eyes just rolled right out of my head, making it difficult to finish reading the rest.
It's very obvious her social circle is either very strange people or she's just making it up.
Oh no, women like her believe men can only have kinks that women like her approve of and have signed off on. It's basic Karen Law.
I know plenty lefty as fuck straight dudes, they could write encyclopedia’s worth of things they know about kinks of all sorts. It’s such bs .