
Vote. Also knock on doors, volunteer for campaingns. Get involved locally. Go to meetings, work with others, make your own community safer, better, more organized. Know what's on school board agendas. Show up and comment. Give politicians a reason to know what you want, and why they should care.
And if you want to laugh in my face, IDGAF. But while you're laughing, try to remember this: We're in this situation because people on the other side spent 30-40 years doing that kind of thing.
Mike, I respect you but people have been voting, and will keep voting. But unless Republicans never win another election, eventually they’ll use the powers the Supreme Court is granting them. We need to take action to change the court. More specifically, elected Democrats need to take action.
Voting, and especially enough people being on board with an unacceptable-but-improving status quo over accelerationist bullshit, is a necessary precondition to “elected democrats need to take action”.
And one that has been fulfilled at the presidential level, with the Democrat winning a majority in 7 of the 8 most recent elections. And was fulfilled 4 years ago with Biden. So with that precondition in place, we have needed more action on these structural issues for years.
A majority of the popular vote is nice, but isn’t the condition to wield any power. As evidenced by how four of the last eight elections went. And that’s to say nothing of dramatic institutional change requiring more than a zero-vote majority in the senate.
The problem isn’t the voters. It’s our broken institutions. Which include the electoral college. The deal with representative democracy is that voters choose their elected officials and then it’s up to those officials to deliver. On key issues of institutional powers they have not.
The fact that so many share your sense that “couldn’t pass sweeping institutional reform with a zero-vote majority” is a failure to “deliver” rather than a lack of sufficient votes is a big part of how we wound up here.
(Also part of why they have a paltry majority is poor leadership and messaging. But of course nothing is ever their fault. It’s all everyone else.)
No it isn’t. The voters have done their part. You can’t vote twice. These institutional issues are not new. The Supreme Court takeover by the Federalist Society goes back to the early 1980s. They had a 40-year strategy and they won. Democrats need to do more and for decades they have failed.