
Oh yeah. A lot of them. Probably 5ish of them are active on here to some degree. Earliest ones back to 2002 I think.
If you're gen x or millennial, odds are you have known some people online for *decades*. Across multiple now-dead forums, across vast gulfs of time in internet years. You've probably got a friend group that outlived multiple sites.
i definitely knew you, the artist formerly known as nicotinejones and benzo by 2004 since we did an election mafia. i want to say it was 2003 for me, but it might have been 2002.
The exact cast of characters in those early years is murky except I know PEV, Ves, Dantes, Bekel, Tog, Star and Blister were definitely there before me. Everyone else was sometime in that first year or two. Uh, shit and the really funny guy whose name I now can't remember. Sarnath was close too.
Darigaz predated me too.