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Father (He) of 4, former Mayor, Dayton Flyer, UL Fan, Bengals fan, Software Developer and small business owner, proud Kentuckian transplanted to Cincinnati.
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
Here's a rule of life. If there's a thing you can make money by being right about (stocks, sports, gambling, elections, real property, gold) and you are actually good at being right about it, you aren't giving that information away. You're just making money on it quietly without telling anyone how.
A lot of folks who supposedly analyze politics for a living are just like…not good at it?
Notice KY isn't on this list? Voting matters.
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
I watched it! It was very good, I liked it a lot and would definitely watch a second season.
Consider this your reminder to watch Scavengers Reign on Netflix and juice the fuck outta its numbers and convince whoever needs convincing that there’s a place for amazing, adult-audience animation in the world. Thank u.
Good Christian folk.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Last night my 5 year old was in the kitchen rocking out to a Eurythmics song. When I was 5 we didn't have access to music that was 40 years old. The relationship music has with time is broken now, and to the kids it's all either just good music or bad music and that's it.
Yeah there is literally a genetic predisposition to like/dislike animals in a lot of people (and other animals!). Dogs are predisposed to like people. Many people are predisposed to dislike rats and snakes. Not everything is a learned behavior!
I also think that anyone who claims that pigs could easily be taught and trained to do everything that companion and working dogs can do is not actually familiar with either working dogs or pigs. (And that pigs have to WANT to do this). Very different species with very different motivations!
I think these RFK attacks are good because 1) they sound true and 2) they are specifically the kinds of behaviors that would cause you to switch to Biden and not switch to Trump (cause Trump is still worse).
Don't let those fuckers have power - Joe Biden 2024.
Right. There’s lots of people like where’s our project 2025? And it’s making sure republicans don’t have power. That’s it. There is not a thing we can do to keep them from using the power they gain once they’ve gained it, no clever lawyering to prevent its exercise.
I'm actually ok with this? I mean, could it be better? Sure. I've gotta read more details here but overall this is the basic structure of what I feel is correct.
“A former president is entitled to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his ‘conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority,’ ” the 6-3 ruling says. “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.” Read the full decision here:
Read the full text of Supreme Court’s decision on Trump’s Former presidents are immune from prosecution for their official actions taken while in the White House, but don’t have immunity for unofficial acts, the Supreme Court ruled Monday.
I will repeat the mantra. These new SCOTUS rules suck for everyone but a functional legislature could fix it. Vote for that.
The Vibes on BS have been so bad lately I've finished two days in a row with time left on my app timer.
Look man you want to have an interesting conversation rooted in an unlikely but plausible last second change? It's not "who replaces biden." It's "if Biden is unable to serve, who is the new VP under Kamala?" Lots of "picking a wife for the prince" type scenarios. Alliances to be made etc.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Logged in here and holy shit I need democrats to have less shame and more composure like hell yeah it’s Weekend at Bernie’s and we’re gonna run the shit out of our dead President WATCH HIM WAVE [tugs at sleeve to make his arm move]
I refused to watch the debate last night but it seems like a bunch of people are just now figuring out that Biden looks and sounds old, which is very confusing because he has looked and sounded old for 2+ years and still did a fine job and we all still voted for him in the primary.
Hocking Hills is alright. A little heavily trafficked, and doesn't hold a candle to Canaan Valley but it's a lot closer and has a lot for the kids.
I feel like only about half of the US has learned this lesson so I'm gonna repost it again. Fruits and vegetables are still very very good in this country BUT ONLY DURING THEIR SEASON (or frozen). Learn the seasonal rotation of fruits!!!
A good raw tomato is insanely delicious, but also extremely hard to find - I basically only eat them a few months a year, but I eat LOTS when they’re in season Greece interestingly had pretty good ones in April and May
This post is especially interesting because the word thermos comes from the brand Thermos which was so ubiquitous for 50 years that the product eventually became known as the brand name and Thermos lost their trademark on it as a result.
Stanley thermoses have been the standard among working class rednecks who had never heard of the hockey trophy at least since I was a tiny girl. My grandaddy had one that my momma got when he died, I'll get it when she goes. What's wild is thinking your personal context is all there is in the world.
The correct way to do community moderation involves committees, open records, formalized and documented processes and accountability. It's work. It's not just a handful of people's personal judgement.
Dead Man Walking.
is there a movie soundtrack you love but for a movie you've never seen
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Online left: "we need to replace fossil fuels immediately." Also the online left: "oh no electricity use is projected to grow faster over the next 20 years this is unsustainable!!!!!!!" 🤷
Oh yeah. A lot of them. Probably 5ish of them are active on here to some degree. Earliest ones back to 2002 I think.
If you're gen x or millennial, odds are you have known some people online for *decades*. Across multiple now-dead forums, across vast gulfs of time in internet years. You've probably got a friend group that outlived multiple sites.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
I think one of the really under-appreciated things in the US is how much SCOTUS' statutory interpretation decisions are damaging--and they are--but almost exclusively because of /Congress/ being a failed institution.
Thomas and Alito being on the opinion doesn't mean they aren't bought and paid for, it just means they are capable of strategic thinking.
BREAKING: The Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion medication drug mifepristone, holding that the plaintiffs lack standing. The opinion, by Kavanaugh, is unanimous. Thomas concurs.
This data shouldn't be causing people to write "maybe trump is flipping the youth vote" it should be causing people to write "what is wrong with our polling methodology????"
as this write-up notes, no republican has won young voters since 1988, so i might be a little skeptical that we’re on the verge of a generational realignment among the youth
Trump's bid to steal the Coming even within striking distance of winning the youth vote would have seemed unthinkable two years ago.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
Reposted byAvatar Andrew
With virtually all ballots counted in #OH06, per the AP, Rulli's final margin over Kripchak is 9 points. This is a Trump+29 seat, so that's a 20-point overperformance for Democrats.