
Seems to me like this reinforces what we've known since 2018. Mostly the election is about who is willing to vote for Trump and who isn't.
Or, another way of putting it, the electorate is mostly set. Trump vs not trump. And the remainder is a few %.
Wannabe Hitler and his women hating death cult vs ANYONE ELSE.
I thought you were gonna say we've known they are only willing to move right.
Correct, it’s mostly Trump vs Not Trump. But the voters left over — even many “Not Trump” voters — are saying Biden is too old. Harris would inherit Biden’s voters and stand a chance at rallying the leftovers, given her ability to form cogent sentences and campaign/debate vigorously.
In 2020 Biden had headwinds, wasn’t juggling being President, and was 4 years younger. He barely won. He’s clearly not up for this campaign.
(being president is an advantage not a disadvantage, very few incumbents lose)
People keep saying he “barely won” like it’s true. He had the biggest margin of any election since 1996 except for Obama 2008! There aren’t going to be any Johnson/GHWB style blowouts in the foreseeable future.
Trump ended his presidency in disaster and Biden won thanks to a few tens of thousands of votes in three swing states. Yes, they added up electorally. But the margin in each was razor slim (same as when Trump won). The point one, there’s no indication of Biden performing as well.
Honestly, i wish Biden was trying to win. Reminded that Jon Stewart has been calling his election coverage Indecision for years. This year's Indecision 2024.