
As a formal matter, it's true the delegates would be unbound and Harris wouldn't automatically be the nominee. But these pie in the sky schemes for some American Idol competition are nonsense, because no matter what the formal process is, nobody who matters will challenge Harris for the nomination.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
They won’t, but it would probably be healthier if they did. A refusal to run a proper primary process has contributed to this mess. An abbreviated one-month primary fight would probably do them a lot of good, and generate momentum and engagement
Can't gin up a staged fight if nobody else notable is even willing to run.
You’re not wrong. But running their one true candidate without serious interrogation has been a structural problem for the party going back to at least 2008. It produced one breakout nobody with Obama, but it hadn’t been healthy It’s a party that desperately needs a knock-down internal fight
I'm pretty sure I remember vigorously contested Democratic primaries in 2008, 2016, and 2020.