
Half a million people in London right now. Jewish activists in New York last night. Polls in both countries overwhelmingly support a ceasefire in Gaza. Cannot imagine this level of support even five years ago. Whatever happens, the Palestinians are no longer alone.
There was a ceasefire right until October 6th. These people are actively erasing October 7th from history.
No there wasn't, are you high? Even before October 6th this was the deadliest year for Palestinians in a long time. There's no good guys here, nothing is "unprovoked" on either side, that's kind of how this whole mess rolls on.
Yeah, they’ve got all those hostages.
Palestinians are more alone now than they ever were. There are ZERO Arab league meetings, or sanctions or people with actual understanding of the events standing up... Only sheep who don't see rape and murder of parents and kidnapping of children (who did zero "resistance") as an issue.
Unless the half million people are gonna stand in front of the advancing IDF, yeah they kinda are alone.
1400 murdered, slaughtered, and nearly 200 kidnapped jewish people and the world start supporting the Palestinians. Raped juwish children. Kids decapiteted in front of their parents, Family burnt in their houses. Shoa survivors murdered. Funny. Not.
I am pleased with this level of support but they were NEVER alone. It is just that those who supporter them didn't necessarily have the money/power/influence that would bring megaphone attention to their support. Black people recognize Jim Crow and Ben Crow when they see it.
Free #Gaza from #HamasislSIS. I support that palestinian cause.
Antideustche is the most effective white supremacists in Germany. German antifascist movement crumbled like a paper bag in the face of real fascism, since most of it was based on racism all along.
Yeah, sure. Different platform, same antisemitism. Have a nice one!
You will never have an actual antifascist movement in Germany because you built it on fascism again. Nazis all the way down. Sad.
If you identify being against #HamasislS as nazism or fascism: well, then. Again, have a nice one.
Whatever Goebbels. Go suck a cop's dick on Sonnenallee.
In France, these days, you can get a 135€ fine, and probably tear gas for ceasefire protest…
No. That's not fair to present it like this. You can get a fine for participating a forbidden demonstration... slightly different.
100% accurate. I saw Chomsky speak in the late 80s and became aware of the situation in Palestine. In all the years since I have never seen the level of support that currently exists. Thus far political leaders don't seem to understand that a shift has taken place though.
They rarely do until they cannot not
Image description/alt text: A gargantuan amount of people filling the London bridge (not the tower bridge) with Palestinian flags, and a picture of a protest at New York’s Grand Central Station of a truly massive crowd of people wearing black with white text that say “ceasefire now”
Was also admitted at the demo that terror has taken place out of Gaza and demanded to release the hostages and extradite the terrorists. That might help to pacify the situation, after all? Or not?
Where were all those people when Russians bombed Syria and Ukraine?
There is a perception (I don’t know if it’s true but I have this perception as well) that Israel is, more strongly than Syria or Ukraine, connected to, and under the influence of, western nations. “We” see Russia as an enemy state, so protest isn’t the impulse.
There’s another factor at play which is that images of war and violence are more numerous and moving more quickly through the global internet than ever before.
That's not true. Syria was very much covered and Ukraine even more. After Mariupol no protest like this has been seen. I blame Russian propaganda and antisemitism. This is Mariupol not Gaza
Slava Ukraini. I’m not here to argue with you. Please see this post for what I think is the main difference
There is a perception (I don’t know if it’s true but I have this perception as well) that Israel is, more strongly than Syria or Ukraine, connected to, and under the influence of, western nations. “We” see Russia as an enemy state, so protest isn’t the impulse.
Russia is more strong than Ukraine. It was 2nd strongest army in the world 2 years ago. I don't get your argument. Ukrainians never did what Hamas did on 7 October to initiate invasion.
Who will free Palestinians from Hamas? And how?
Copenhagen yesterday. I’d guess some 20.000 people at parliament square.
They are alone. They may have support elsewhere, but they have no support there.
As a Jewish person I'm proud and grateful for what those Jewish activists did at Grand Central last night. I know it won't alter the horrible momentum of events happening now, but sometimes I can believe a better world is possible.
How many people will demonstrate against the murderer of Hamas?
🙏🏻peace for the children
Looks like a load-test on that bridge. Let's hope the engineers knew what they were doing.
Palestinians just need to hand over the ruling Hamas circle, release the hostages and the war is over. Same like Ukraine: Russia withdraws to Russia and the war is over
I noticed NYT called these “Pro-Palestinian demonstrators” — maybe anti-war or Pro-Peace would be more accurate/ meaningful descriptions???
Hamas went into Israel and killed 1400 people, old and young even babies, they did this in a barbaric way. Raped and slaughtered them. 200 kidnapped. Let the kidnapped free, end rockets on Israel. Send Hamas to hell. And it will be ceasefire.
Palestinians are no longer alone and Israel is now increasingly losing any form of support from anyone who feels compassion in their hearts for humanity. In fact a rage is building against Israel. Of all the nations to commit genocide on innocents!! 😔
Granted that it was the Israelis, not the US population, who suffered invasion, but “66% of likely US voters strongly or somewhat agree that the US should call for a ceasefire.”
Left revolts over Biden’s staunch support of Israel amid Gaza crisis | Joe Biden | The The president has lost favor with young, Muslim and Arab Americans, important Democratic constituencies
These scenes are incredible and they replicated around the world.. 🇵🇸
Have any of those people written anything about what a self-governed Palestinian state in Gaza would look like without Hamas, or is continuing with Hamas a requirement for all those people?
That the commenters here are fighting over even a statement like this. We all have the right to our beliefs, and we also have the responsibility to understand when we're speaking because we want to validate ourselves and when we're speaking up for others.
There would be an immediate ceasefire if Hamas released all hostages and capitulated. Why don't they do it? Why do they rather sacrifice their own people in a huge suicide attack on their own people instead of agreeing to the proposed ceasefire?
Sadly they’re very alone. These matches don’t move the need as politicians don’t listen to the people