Veronika Meduna

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Veronika Meduna

Sci/env editor The Conversation | writer NZ Geographic, Science, Eos | Books Science on Ice Towards A Warmer World
My thoughts on v the University of Auckland. The judgment, which finds in favour of Siouxsie, strengthens academic freedom in New Zealand, but highlights problems with Auckland's management that its VC seems reluctant to accept.
The Siouxsie Wiles judgment should be a wake-up call for New Zealand’s 'The fact she had to take her university to court to force it to take her concerns seriously should trigger some serious soul-searching.'
The government has tasked a panel to review its methane target and to make it consistent with causing "no additional warming". But this approach is "confusing" and "problematic", according to a top climate scientist
New Zealand's new-look approach to methane 'problematic', top climate scientist The government is going for 'no added heating' from farming's methane - a "confusing" aim, according to an Australasian expert.
NEW: Agriculture Minister Todd McClay said the methane targets will be changed to align with the "no addition warming" principle, which the Climate Commission has warned will lead to “higher emissions and an increased amount of warming than the current target”.
Govt will weaken methane target in defiance of Climate Commission – McClay's comments directly contradicted what Climate Change Minister Simon Watts had told reporters just three minutes earlier.
The Government of Denmark had just agreed to a tax on livestock emissions. €40 in 2030, rising to €100 in 2035. Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen says: "We will be the first country in the world with a CO2 tax on agriculture.” Looks like New Zealand is now distinctly behind in that race.
Regeringen og parterne i Grøn trepart indgår historisk Aftale om et grønt Danmark | Ø Regeringen og parterne i den grønne trepart er enige om et langsigtet grundlag for omlægning og omstilling af Danmarks arealer og af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen. Indsatserne i aftalen vil reduc...
The rock gardens on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) tell the story of a small, resilient population of around 3-4,000 people even when massive sculptures were erected, according to new research, countering the widely-held notion of a doomed, overpopulated island 🧪
Rocks on Rapa Nui tell the story of a small, resilient population − countering the notion of a doomed overpopulated Satellite data shows the amount of food the residents of the tiny Pacific island have grown over time, pointing to a small but stable population.
#ShowYourStripes global
It's #ShowYourStripes today so let me make New Zealand the first country to kick off - you can find about about your country/region on's
To mark the season we’re offering a new special edition #kakapo adoption: Solstice, who 27 years ago today was the last kākāpō discovered from the original population. Available until 21 July. Adoptions provide vital support for our #conservation work.
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
Another view of #showyourstripes for Tāmaki Makaurau
It's #ShowYourStripes today so let me make New Zealand the first country to kick off - you can find about about your country/region on's
It's #ShowYourStripes today so let me make New Zealand the first country to kick off - you can find about about your country/region on's
Been too busy to post this when it came out last week, but I reviewed's The Light Eaters for the Listener and it is the best non-fiction book I've read in a long time. Gorgeous, uplifting and eye-opening
"It's a lot of money to throw away by not being clear about what you want the ETS to look like." _ Murray McClintock Low confidence in the government's climate plans could hit the coalition in the pocket, writes RNZ's Eloise Gibson
National promised a 'strong and stable' carbon market - then it National promised a 'strong and stable' carbon market - but that's not how it's worked out.
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
remember when they told us kids weren’t really affected by covid so they could get everyone back to school and their parents to work and now everyone’s immune system is fucked and everyone’s sick all the time cuz no one is putting two and two together and that train just keeps rolling without brakes
The myth that COVID is 'harmless' for kids has left millions of children with long COVID invisible. Here's what they want you to They're losing their formative years to this debilitating disease. But for too many children with long COVID, finding help is a frustrating and traumatic process that leaves them feeling isolated and ...
While all auto sales declined in May on a year-on-year basis, the far more pronounced drop in electric vehicle sales is clearly the impact of the repeal of the Clean Car Discount, Drive Electric says.
After decades of back and forth on whether agricultural emissions should be priced and included in NZ's emissions trading scheme, the government just announced it's backing "practical tools to help lower on-farm emissions" instead
Agriculture to come out of the The Government will deliver on its election commitment to take agriculture out of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) and will establish a new Pastoral Sector Group to constructively tac...
Yet another example of research cuts which are very small amounts in terms of the Budget as a whole, but staggering in terms of the work itself. This is where we've got to with research in AoNZ, so underfunded that every cut hits bone.
Terrorism and violent extremism research funding cut by The government has slashed funding of research into terrorism and violent extremism, with the fledgling centre that carries out the research already having to cut back.
FluTracking New Zealand is looking for additional participants. They need more participants, and particularly younger participants, around the motu to help them track, and understand, flu & COVID-19 in the community. | Tracking respiratory illness across Australia and New Flutracking is an online health surveillance system used to detect epidemics of influenza across Australia and New Zealand,
Within half an hour of the original media release I now have two corrections from the agriculture minister, the latest still had $43m in the headline, but only $36m in the main text as a commitment for local catchment groups - this is the correct one
$36 million commitment for local catchment The Government is backing farmers to improve land management practices with a $36 million commitment to support locally led catchment groups, $7 million of which will go directly to catchment groups a...
My latest for Science about NZ's budget, the cuts to science and the Save Science Coalition, with et al “Analyzing this year’s budget is an exercise in determining how bad the damage will be.”
Science takes a hit in New Zealand’s budget, prompting researchers to New Save Science Coalition aims to head off future spending cuts
#Antarctic sea ice concentration anomalies remained very regionally dependent in May 2024, but with large negative departures in the Weddell and Ross Seas. Data from Concentration = fraction of sea ice in a location.