
It has astounded and disgusted me since 2016 that so many people were willing to just skip over the profoundly disturbing evidence that Trump is extremely sexually attracted to his own child, and has been since she was a minor.
He def raped his daughter
It’s tricky to talk about this, but there’s something very disturbing about how quickly it became a passing punchline about him, on par with his self-tanner use, when it’s almost certainly evidence of the most horrifying kind of abuse; maybe it’s so terrible it’s hard to really consider it at length
The story of Trump’s life is that no one takes the moments when he reveals the horrible truths about himself seriously They assume it’s all just another piece of his bullshit
"Flood the zone" is perhaps the most effective defensive PR strategy we have yet seen
It's not bullshit. There's persistent rumor of child SA & at least two people terrified out of testifying in 2016. I think Ivanka was probably targeted as a teen. I'd be deeply concerned for her children. It's what he shares with his Project 22 handlers. The SA is baked into their cults.