Anna 🌿👁️

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Anna 🌿👁️

Freelance Sr. Game Writer & Narrative Designer | Now: Night School, Rewind Games, "Redjackets" l Future Class ‘22 | ♐️💜🤍🖤| she/her | |
I think if they’re gonna go this route they gotta get alternate candidates decided and FAST
If you get into CK3 you too can have obscene hours in that game too!!! It’s dangerous!!!!
100% - they’re rarely cut and dry. Current estimates indicate that EDNOS/OSFED is actually the most common eating disorder, but because its symptom/behavior spectrum is so wide it’s not as easily identified by healthcare professionals so people don’t realize what’s going on and access care.
Eating disorders and disordered eating are not the same and are kinda a “square is a type of rectangle but etc etc” thing. One is an unfortunately normalized pattern of eating in the US re: diet culture, the other is a debilitating, complex biopsychological condition about having control and safety
Many people experience disordered eating as influenced by fad diets, media, their peers, etc. But eating disorders are traumagenic and cause eating patterns to change for different reasons, though they may include or mirror disordered eating in popular culture, though this is not always the case
It’s also commonly believed that eating disorders only impact certain demographics (ie: white women), however more and more data indicates that like other conditions, EDs do not discriminate race or gender, and previous data was biased based on who could afford treatment historically
I could literally talk for hours on this subject lmao but I’ll stop myself
I like to ask my cat what he thinks/sees/hears/smells because I want him to know I care about his inner world
I did so much debugging today my brain is melting out my ears
JOIN US (I have over a thousand hours in it and I don’t want to talk about it)
Sorry for grandpa screenshots (phone photo of second screen) but working out some frustration in Procreate tonight — haven’t made the second one work yet after a few iterations and color may have been a false move, but frankly I just needed something absorbing to do with my hands, and my spite
Fellow Appalachian kid here: these rule
Saints Row series is high art and I’m tired of pretending otherwise
A lot of Appalachians (myself included) hate Hillbilly Elegy for making us out to be hicks, addicts, and hatred-filled moral failures. I can’t wait for six months from now when Vance is like “why did these people I made characters of not vote for me/my presidential candidate.”
Bro should have stayed in New England lmao
LITERALLY like it’s all just this one guy being a snob??? Like just say you hate Ohio it’s ok you’re not alone in that
As a kid from the mountains: Hillbilly Elegy was an awful memoir that disrespected the real people of Appalachia, many of whom are leftists (like me/my family). Fuck that guy.
Folks this is pretty much true EVERYWHERE now. If your city plants a tree somewhere, odds are really good that's all they're going to do for it, and if it's getting too hot and dry in Seattle for young trees to survive... Adopt a new tree near you. Give it a milk jug of water once or twice a week.
Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
Just described the perfume I’m wearing as “summertime national park coded” because it’s TRUE
It’s “Ponderosa” by Pineward btw. All their stuff is made using essences/resins from plants/trees/biomaterials
The “something about it” is most likely bilateral stimulation (both halves of the brain)! Evidence continues to support that more difficult emotions and memories require more brainpower to process, so getting electrical activity bilaterally/simultaneously facilitates this.
If you come across it, and this sounds like a joke but isn’t, try to play Tetris within 30 minutes. Something about it works like EMDR and helps the brain process the traumatic input. There are versions for mobile, switch, computer- just about every platform.
This is why the “tapping” method of EMDR works, too. As long as your brain is getting that sweet bilateral stimulation, it’s a lot easier for it to process disturbing thoughts/memories/imagery. EMDR is still considered controversial but it’s quickly becoming a standard EB modality.
Source: I should probably just go get a damn masters in psych and have also undergone a good amount of EMDR and was educated on why/how it works.
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it