
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
been thinking about that. the racism re: Obama was bad enough, but the misogynist would be next level
she hasn't really spoken about it much since stepping down but it's believed to be a big, big part of why jacinda ardern stepped down from the PM role. Which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if it's 100% true.
I had been wondering why she stepped down so suddenly.
oh it was bad, especially after the fucking idiotic parliament protests
I missed that! I do not follow New Zealand politics as closely as I do Mexico and the US. It’s a low key “wish I could move there” aspirational political interest.
lol our politics are *very bad* at the moment. not as bad as the US, but the worst it's ever been in my life, at least.
US politics are also the worst they’ve ever been in my life and voting isn’t fucking helping.
It was more the hundreds of thousands of assholes who didn't vote here who were the problem, and I don't know how to fix that :( although mandatory voting like australia would be nice.
It's a nightmare. Which, we knew it would be if they got in... But people wanted ~ChANgE~ ugghhhhhh Not the change I want, that's for sure. Yay, let's follow the rest of the planet plunging head first into fascism 😭