Anni K. Comics

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Anni K. Comics

Anni K.
Webcomic (Transfusions & The Witch Door) creator from Finland, a tired home goth. Posts art and (comic) opinions in 🇬🇧/🇫🇮/🏳️‍🌈(she/her)
🚫 AI / NFTs 🚫
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why can't i, as an 18+ content creator, not recommend other 18+ content creators? did i not already prove i am over 18 twice over they sure are happy to take their fees tho
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
what another great patreon feature unavailable to all of their adult creators
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Please, just put something there so we can tell you're a real person 🥲
To all new followers: please have a profile pic and put a few words in your bio. I'm okay with lurkers but if you have absolutely not touched your profile you look like a bot and i'm really tempted to block you.
Ons kokemuksia Kampin tavarasäilytyksestä? 🤔 tarttis viedä conilaukku vaan pariks tunniks ostostelun ajaks, mutta löyty vaan vuorokausihinta…
I had a long travel day from lapland to Tampere yesterday, and right before Tampere our train broke down and we had to wait for an hour to get it towed to the station, it was 11 pm when I got home. Got nice sunset photos from the train though. Super tired today...
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Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Pocket-sized 💀🦴🦷
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Nine for the Tomb, and for all that was lost. 💀 I had so much fun drawing this! I love skulls, I love swords, I love tragic lesbians, so right up my alley. #fanart #thelockedtomb #tlt
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Did you know?😎 My comic Ghost Junk Sickness turned 10 this year! And we're celebrating with a sale in the store! We have books 1-6, shirts, mugs, and more! Support us there if ya'd like!
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Evergreen post reminder that your sketchbook is allowed to look like shit, it's meant to be a sandbox environment where you can just try stuff out without the pressure to crank out a pretty illustration🤠yeehaw scribble town
Starter Packini suomalaisille taidekujailijoille on tässä mutta hyvin pieni vielä: Lisään sinne jatkuvasti lisää väkeä! Vastaa mulle 🎨-emojilla, jos teet omakustannesarjiksia/nettisarjiksia ja haluat mukaan listalle!
Haluan kokeilla tehdä kans Starter Packeja (listauksia, joista löytyy uusia seurattavia täällä bskyssä) 🤔 Vastaa tähän emojilla: 💭, jos teet omakustannesarjakuvia/nettisarjiksia 🎨, jos myyt aktiivisesti teoksiasi taidekujilla/tapahtumissa Pist molemmat jos pätee! (ei änäftee/tekoälyhörhöille!)
Suomen taidekujailijoita / Finnish Artist Join the conversation
Starter Packini suomalaisille omakustannesarjakuvatyypeille on tässä mutta hyvin pieni vielä: Lisään sinne jatkuvasti lisää väkeä! Vastaa mulle 💭-emojilla, jos teet omakustannesarjiksia/nettisarjiksia ja haluat mukaan listalle!
Haluan kokeilla tehdä kans Starter Packeja (listauksia, joista löytyy uusia seurattavia täällä bskyssä) 🤔 Vastaa tähän emojilla: 💭, jos teet omakustannesarjakuvia/nettisarjiksia 🎨, jos myyt aktiivisesti teoksiasi taidekujilla/tapahtumissa Pist molemmat jos pätee! (ei änäftee/tekoälyhörhöille!)
Omakustannesarjisteja / Finnish self-pub comic Join the conversation
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Haluan kokeilla tehdä kans Starter Packeja (listauksia, joista löytyy uusia seurattavia täällä bskyssä) 🤔 Vastaa tähän emojilla: 💭, jos teet omakustannesarjakuvia/nettisarjiksia 🎨, jos myyt aktiivisesti teoksiasi taidekujilla/tapahtumissa Pist molemmat jos pätee! (ei änäftee/tekoälyhörhöille!)
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Having a bit achy throat after Kotae Expo oh no...!
It's already July but I forgot to reblog/repost/whatever this here so here you go!!
🌈 Happy Pride Month from me and my webcomics! 🌈 Transfusions: The Witch Door: #transfusionscomic #thewitchdoor #webcomic #pride #annikART
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Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Bringing back my best fanart, Dream of the Moominvalley. #TheSandman #Moomins #annikART
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
i’ve listened to too many stories of webtoon exploiting their artists to ever believe they mean the comics are profitable to the creator
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
profitable for who. profitable for who
First the Jim Lee commission price discourse and now this...everyone jack up their commission prices by at least 1k now. All old work you did where you undercharged, send that person a bill for this new price. I'm starting a mob to enforce this. I need our most ruthless goons now!
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
Avatar 😎I MADE A LIST! ⭐️ This one is about folks who celebrate the webcomic community and do their part to help uplift voices of our fellow webcomickers! I am going to be adding more soon, but please check it out!
Webcomics Join the conversation
Reposted byAvatar Anni K. Comics
If you commission art, please refrain from using genAI to generate ref images. Because at the end of the day, any usage of exploitative AI directly supports the plagiaristic AI companies and their exploitation/theft of creative labor. There are so many ethical options you can use to create refs.