
Really wondering about where the line is to leave the other place. I am concerned about next year’s election given Musk putting his finger on the scale in Turkey, etc. There is a line where the harm of unchecked disinfo exceeds the benefits of direct, authentic communication. It’s really sad
Right now many of these folks are sending up test balloons - Trump’s use of AI in the DeSantis video, Musk’s censorship in Turkey for the election. All of it is precedent-setting and testing waters ahead of ‘24. It will get worse. Q is how to respond when gov overall won’t, or may not in time
Fact checking on Twitter is like whack-a-mole
I'd also accept it's like punch-a-nazi.
Bad comparison, fact checking isn’t fun.
Media need to speak about Twitter the same way they discuss Parler or Gab. It is not a moderate platform or a town square of public discourse. Just a redpilled billionaire's plaything
I think it's time to abandon ship completely. I'm bummed I spent years there building it up with free content, but I can't stay now that he's turned it into 4chan. At least he massively and hilariously overpaid for it.
Silver lining. Lol. It’s also kind of schadenfreude(ish) to hear that he’s either having trouble or just not paying his bills. Lawsuits for rent not paid, google cloud not paid, etc. apparently ad revenue is down by half since his takeover. It’s a sinking ship.
Looking at America from across the ocean, I’m hoping y’all can avoid the country turning into a real life version of man in the high castle So many human rights, right to privacy & autonomy have already been affected already in places, I don’t yet see that halted, let alone reversed. Hope you can
Ah, that remind me, I dont think I have ya followed on twitter:
i already followed you but its the same handle naizeni
Remove your voice, and wait. ToP (the other place) is becoming slowly irrelevant. Advertisers fleeing, the tech is increasingly unreliable, the business is a train wreck. As powerful voices leave, it will continue to fall. When MySpace was on top, nobody believed it would fall. Same.
I'd love to see that happen but that process is going to take a really long time, if it ever happens. There's a ton of inertia there. The evening news and podcasts says "see us on Twitter." Sports stars. Celebrities It's going to be very tough to change that, even as much of it becomes a cesspool
Need to message exactly what you said: Musk running the biggest disinfo campaign, and it can’t be relied upon.
At first I wanted to stand my ground and be a positive voice on the platform, but considering the scale at which musk has pushed a right wing agenda, I think denying them an audience is a better move
we leave the bad place until it is nothing but a grifter echo chamber and it dies on its own
Remember when Trump pushed a “border” video and it was footage from a border NOT the US/Mex? It was debunked to hell and back, but people on social believed his lies. The damage was done. Now imagine that with AI 🥲😵‍💫
Honestly, I was there just for DMs to friends and to be able to fact check Musk when possible. But he’s become such a self-caricature, there is no reasoning with him. Instead, all you’ll get is his check-boosted Mention Minions simping for him, maybe even rising to harassment. What’s the point?
Modest opinion: disinformation thrives when the individual is disconnected from others. It plants the seeds of paranoia that later become walls around them. Connecting with your communities is a good way to help others fight the lies ahead of us. It is a lot of grassroots footwork. It might help
The blue-check impersonation accounts are going to be absolutely out of control
This app needs community notes.
100%. And with AI poised to poison the well even more, America could we’ll be the most dangerous country on earth.
Define dangerous... Definitely not the only country with generative ai.
I mean increasingly dangerous to the safety of both residents and non residents as people continue to live in polarized and unmovable viewpoints. A road we’re already well down.
Yeah his Sulla post yesterday was straight up encouraging that.
The problem is that no earthly governance institutions were coherently designed with integrity, security, and efficient public goods production as 1st class goals :-( Assuming AI doesn't kill us all first, I'm worried about 2026, 2028, 2030, etc. Also: people worth helping are on every platform.
One solution to this problem: dems run a candidate so likeable and good that all the disinformation fails to stand or truly influence the outcome. In my humble opinion Biden and Harris are not those candidates.
if only disinfo's success had any correlation to the likeability of targets
Obama was the most likeable candidate they ran in 50 years and these people still had a huge swath of the country believing he was a foreigner.
Disinformation is dramatically more effective when people are inclined to believe it
Sure but you can’t just nice your way out of a hostile misinformation war fought by bad actors who aren’t playing fair.
Not gonna lie, “Q” sent my mind to a very different spot in a discussion about right-wing disinfo. 😅 Took me a second.
I hope you'll keep tweeting, while 1) continuing to find constituents (& the rest of Americans) where we are on other social platforms (like this) & 2) working with the House Digital Service to build civic technologies that Members can use to directly inform using email, websites, & text messaging
I couldn't disagree more. By tweeting, she helps keep her followers on Twitter. People leave Twitter when their followers leave. They're not sticking around for a ghost town where they'll just get harassed by white supremacists.
That's only true if content is unique. By sending the same updates in other places, she will enable constituents (& all others who wish to hear her) to leave. Folks bail for many reasons. The abuse you reference is why many celebrities left for years – until Twitter realized it was a business risk.
Which do you think makes an AOC follower more likely to stay at Twitter: 1) Her updates show up in their feed 2) Her updates don't show up in their feed ? This isn't complicated. People stay there because there's *content they want*. Eliminate that content and they leave.
People join (& stay) for more than one account. People also stay on social networks because they have relationships. (Without interop, network effects keep them there; cf. Facebook. Switching costs without social graph are real.) Cross-posting all content enables people to leave when they're ready.
Stupid bi*ch can't even understand a basic meme. And now complaining about misinformation. Lmao.
Neither can musk. Remember when he changed the TOS rules on parody accounts after so many accounts started mocking him? Weird how he doesn’t play by the same rules when the shoe is on the other foot.
And yes Elon clearly understand it. He replied to that nazi quote in last November he knows.
He didn't change any rule about it. You need to state parody in both handle and profile. Which was an existing rule in TOS. The AOC parody account follows the TOS. But yeah they should make it little more clear to understand it is a parody,which i agree.
oh yeah that parody is prominent in the handle i mean it’s so easy to read oh wait
so i’m sure it’s at least visible in the twitter app right there in the handle prominently displayed bc TOS oh wait
Can I just say that it’s refreshing to see intelligence and competence in one our elected officials? It’s seriously become a rare thing these days. There are SOME people in Congress today that couldn’t pass a 4th grade literacy test.
If you do leave I think you should keep your account up just for historical/archival purposes. Unless that's a security issue
If it's an official account archivists will take care of that. There is also always the way back machine. It's an archive of everything on the internet...