
I like it here and I don’t think a mega corp Twitter clone can kill spaces like these. There is a high level of original thought and engagement, people care about each other and maintain a strong space minimizing bad faith, harassment, and disinfo, which lets people be themselves & build community
Also people have to share their soul
Fwiw these are all the permissions for Instagram as well. Not that that’s good or anything
also - not a fan of having to use my facebook identity, which is easily tracked by employers, for posting! i don't wanna post my normal content associated with my real identity
It’s just going to be FB squished with Insta into a Twitter shaped cake mold and then only baked halfway.. pass. Hard pass.
This is why I don't use social apps. Just log in from your mobile browser.
Where they aren’t forced to prompt you about what data they collect?
Social media is data mining. I'm not installing a data mining app on my phone. Almost all of them have been caught red-handed doing shady shit they weren't supposed to be doing at some point.
I never understand why people feel so negative about this. It's making sure content is specific and interesting for you so you'll use the app more and it stays free. They aren't stealing your credit card number or reading your doctor's notes.
if you have an android or iphone everything on it is collecting data on you
You realize this is social media right?
So what you’re saying is that I need to get rid of instagram? 🥲
I would imagine if someone is already using Instagram then it’s an easy pill to swallow since they already know that info. But for the rest of us it’s A LOT.
All of Meta’s apps try to extract everything they can. The tracking and data mining is grotesque.
And largely unregulated in the US. And that's the problem. But Meta operates as if the rules don't apply to them...there's a reason some in the US Intel community refer to Facebook as FSBook (after the Russian FSB).
it would be interesting to find out where you can buy their data from.
I am pretty sure Twitter collects more data overall than Threads…
I’m splitting for Threads. The needing an invite code to be there is bumming me out. Power to the people.
Have fun with Mr Beast and Jake Paul
Nothing I wouldn't want shared necessarily but, seems wholly unnecessary for them to collect that much personal data.
Hah! Jokes on them! I already sold my soul for a Bluesky invite code!
I reserved my name on Threads but I’ll never use it. Just the default population of Instagram users is enough to scare me off.
this made me offload the app until it changes. if it changes
They don’t want to track periods?
hey AOC 💕 any thoughts on decriminalizing sex work in the US? i messaged your office about this but did not hear back...
AOC plz stay here and talk to us about Star Trek, we all have seen Tuvix
Brendel don’t ruin it for us
People are begging Bluesky to open up completely and I... Think we need more time. There's been a huge reported uptake in homophobia and transphobia after giving everybody an invite last week, and I want more time to settle and make sure we are ready to protect this community we have.
I agree but you best be doing work to and not just *saying* we need to do work.
Yay I thought you had left us please don’t leave us, ❤️
The early days of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, were... like this is right now. My real hope is that the BSky team can manage growth and maintain this sense of safety, respect, humor, and community. It's hard. And it *is* really nice around here right now.
damn you're a real ass poster aoc, kudos girl!!!
I cannot tell what the future will bring, but I do know I kinda burnt out on socmedia a month and a bit ago, went off and did fun things for a bit, and came back renewed - and here is the only place I've come back to. It might go south in a week or a year, but for now, today, I'm OK with here.
It’ll be good here if they stop treating moderation and trust/safety as an afterthought. Gotta stop letting programmers pretend they’re mods. Leave it to trained professionals
That's because it's still small and the early adopters are curated (friends inviting friends). Once it reaches a certain size and level of heterogeneity all the same old problems will surface and have to be solved.
but aoc there’s no brands i need my sponsored brand tweets
just cuz she has to make an official account there doesn’t mean she can’t hate it
Exactly she will hate every min of it there but your forced to make accounts in popular places here when she chats you can tell its the genuine her.
This happened despite the platform, not because of it. While the red-roping was a part of it, the main reason is because the community has been awesome and has stuck to the 2 cardinal rules to make a space like this work. 1. No Nazis, block them all. 2. NSFW is allowed and accepted.
For obvious reasons this will not be maintained when this moves out of beta. Reactionaries are champing at the bit to invade this place. They see pushing people who aren't like them out as and making places inhospitable as a sort of natural selection. It's schoolyard bullying bullshit.
One can hope a community can form that’s resilient enough to tell them to fuck off to one of their other homes.
It's definitely a step up from that Fascist-infested other place.