Antonia of Crazyland

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Antonia of Crazyland

Mom of 3 citizen of Crazyland. IT professional. Sometimes freelance writer. I am definitively not douche! #alittlelessdouche #resistance #YesToNoCovid
fondly remembering my professor who accessed his email by opening internet explorer, bing searching "google", and then googling "gmail"
The generation of actors that influenced me made me love their dads, who were often the better actors in better movies! RIP Donald Southerland 😥
I taked like 4 hours today about we have to lift the weight that lays on ppl to ever make them think about political consequences.
We women need a strategy to equal mental load. I don't have a clue, but I'm sure we need it. Please share your ideas!
Im Radio hat gesagt, wir sollten jetzt an zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen in Ostdeutschland spenden. Ok, was bietet sich da an?
Nicht vergessen: Am Sonntag haben wir alle ein Date im Wahllokal mit Kuli und Wahlzettel. Wir sind 360 Millionen Stimmberechtigte, die die #DemokratieVerteidigen können. Lasst es uns einfach machen.
Today I was in the theater with my teenage sons - "Much ado about nothing"; you can't do wrong here. They complained (even how the late bedtime would lower their concentration tomorrow 🤪), but they stuck to the show and moved everytime when the action went to another part of the stage.
Arachnophobia is the dumbest fear. Who cares if 2 spiders get married it doesn’t affect you
I just had a talk with my (now) 15 yo, who loved closed schools in the beginning of Corona. He did everything that wasn't a video conference quickly and had plenty of time to play video games with his friends.
THREAD: How to verify online images Social media is awash with false or misleading images, some of which get millions of engagements. So here's a simple guide on ways you can quickly check the veracity of images you see on your social media feeds with major elections coming up this year.
Five of our colleagues have been killed in Gaza since the beginning of this war. Several members of our staff remain unaccounted for. We reiterate our urgent call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire #Gaza.
Tech should really think about potential consequences of putting artists out of work. Do you really want to give those sickos free time
Exhibition about Immanuel Kant in Bonn/Germany. Kant mixing mustard vs reaction to the exhibition "I just kan't". 😉
I was going to post a page of Ramona Fradon's artwork from a story of mine she illustrated for House of Mystery in 1979, but decided it was more important to share this, drawn three years ago, I believe, at 94, to prove one's heart need not wither as one ages. Thank you for showing us that, Ramona.
lots of new followers because of dog art, so here's a little reminder
Avatar Warum spielen Deine Jungs denn in blau? Ist doch sicher nicht die Standardfarbe?
Heads up: If you have an Adobe account, for Acrobat or Photoshop or whatever: they've turned on the "we will pillage your work for AI" setting. Go to Adobe account website on desktop -> Account and Security -> Data and Privacy Settings -> Content Analysis. Turn it off.
Mood (via Artmemescentrall #Instagram)
Das Team des Museums für Industriekultur Wuppertal sucht Verstärkung: Noch bis zum 18. Januar 2024 läuft die Bewerbungsfrist für die Stelle als Museumspädagog*in. Interesse? Dann bitte hier entlang: ➡️
Happy new year everyone! Let it be a good year! Keep save! #theater #theatre #happynewyear #3fragezeichen #Covidisnotover
Happy blooming Christmas to you, too! 🎅😊😉