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he/him, cat & math enjoyer, "game otaku"
Reposted byAvatar patrick
Due to Covid, I will be remaining 27 for the foreseeable future. Please address any concerns to my agent
The Atlanta Hawks have the chance to do something extremely funny
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it is nice of Dan Olson to continue to be the only person on youtube who both attended film school and was capable of internalizing what he learned there
lmao they actually did it, i hope he and bron continue their podcast that'd be a funny bit
the idea of jj redick being signed as the lakers' coach is so funny, i can't believe this is a thing people are discussing seriously, i can't wait
Letting us use Torrent during the Elden Beast fight is a really cool change honestly
Reposted byAvatar patrick
you think tables are a fckn JOKE
Finally, Playable Zelda game looks neat
Nintendo please, a fire emblem 4 remaster, my family is starving
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Reposted byAvatar patrick
America absolutely the most evil country in the world, by a large margin
"A senior Defense Department official acknowledged the U.S. military engaged in secret propaganda" sowing antivax misinformation on social media to counter Chinese influence in the Phillippines:
Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to incite fear of China The covert effort began under Trump and continued into Biden’s presidency, Reuters found. Health experts say it endangered lives for possible geopolitical gain.
draymond green's primary function on broadcast is to be rudy gobert's #1 hater and im so here for that energy
i've decided to become a Kareem Is The GOAT person
Reposted byAvatar patrick
One of the toughest problems Microsoft has to solve is that Windows has to serve two very different types of users: business users who don't want this at all, and home users who don't want this at all.
the idea of jj redick being signed as the lakers' coach is so funny, i can't believe this is a thing people are discussing seriously, i can't wait
Reposted byAvatar patrick
Touch me (on the ballot) while my boyfriend plays the Super Bowl or whatever Taylor swift said
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yeah ive got irreparable brain problem from this info now
kendrick, stop, he's dead, stooooop
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not to be parasocial but if she married kelce and we get "touch down touch me travvy makes me so happy" for the rest of time I am going to throw myself off a building. girlie I don't care who you date but PLEASE do not write anymore songs about sports and bros I am begging
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I need to write a general audience article about what probability is (and isn't) because it's very clear from the AI debacle that the average person doesn't actually know
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We taught the rocks to guess what an answer to a math question probably looks like instead, and people pretend this is better for some reason
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Somehow, Jesus returned.
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microwave ovens are weird as hell and i totally get why people were scared of them. a radio has no business making a cup of tea
Reposted byAvatar patrick
everyone on this fucking web site knows who tom bombadil is that is NOT normal lol
Reposted byAvatar patrick
Any man who website in 1993 Can’t List Items, All They Know is ,

And Lie

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Please, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I implore you: for the love of FUCK stop saying "won the internet" and "not on my bingo card" I BEG YOU
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Vivi knows who is best girl
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Reposted byAvatar patrick
okay that's it im calling him brandon now
Biden is a big time Rust guy