agent jabsco

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agent jabsco

just a paranormal guy taking life one step beyond time // "A true agent of chaos" - s.e. smith // correct this account if you find it mistaken // pronouns: classified //
I go undercover for *barely two months* and all this happens
the past two weeks on bluesky:
remember: potatoes should work for *you*, not the other way around
Looking up old penguin books and realizing I absolutely must read “The Potato-Master or Servant?” by Redcliffe N. Salaman
Black Mirror episode premise: getting ratioed in the DMs
Ratios of DMs?
If You Don't Buy This Magazine, We'll Kill Barry Allen
all-time great cover right here
There's a good chance this is what led to Lindsey Graham getting hacked. His info (phone and password) along with quite a few FBI email addresses were found in the data dump.
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
Not for nothing, the uniqueness of how antisemitism works to both maintain whiteness and demonstrate its contingency is why there are two whole weeks in my philosophy of race class on Jewish scholars discussing this very thing.
I don't understand antisemitism. As far as I know anti-Blackness is just like shades of hate and a need to be higher in a hierarchy. Everytime I learn some antisemitic belief it's like something out of Harry Potter.
this worm works on the honor system
he got so mad that everybody was blocking him
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
i gotta admit that i do find it sort of interesting that chatGPT or whatever can be, like, 40% accurate at summarizing a news article. it is interesting! it would also be interesting if a horse would do arithmetic correctly 40% of the time, but that doesn't mean I'd give the horse a bookkeeping job
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
We finally have the answer to the age-old question: "what's the governmental equivalent of management throwing a pizza party after a guy on the line gets injured"
This is so fucking embarrassing
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
Joe Biden thinks she’s the one causing chaos in this picture
JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
"Retire The Red Shirt Way" ... maybe, maybe Google slogans before putting them on billboards?
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
Today just feels like the kind of day to put this out there.
Also there are warning signs.
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
what a country, man. the one thing all the schools reliably teach is what to do in a mass shooting, and if you learn it, the cops call you a terrorist
They do though. They _all_ know how to barricade themselves because school shooter drills were what the cops recommended instead of literally any kind of law enforcement that might prevent school shootings.
one of my first questions was going to be "are you going to repeal Spanfeller's dickheaded slideshow mandate" so this in particular is great to hear
Also, we've been mostly focused on transferring over health insurance and payroll and all that stuff this week, making sure people get fed. The only editorial mandate we have is "fewer slideshows" because that was making the staff very sad. I won't touch copy. They can do whatever they want.
it's so ironic that Bluesky, the one social platform that provides an unlimited interface for total automation, is the one where you most see people talking about their experience with genuine human interactions
New from 404 Media, and what feels like the conclusion of Facebook: Facebook isn't dead, it's something else. The "zombie internet" where bots, humans, and hacked accounts mix "to form a disastrous website where there is little social connection at all."
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
he just saw how much they disrespected John Blackthorne
President Biden called Japan a “xenophobic” country during a campaign event Wednesday evening, putting the U.S. ally in a group with authoritarian rivals such as China and Russia and suggesting that a lack of immigration may be why the nations were “stalling so badly economically.”
Biden calls ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ like China, Russia, at campaign President Biden’s remarks have not elicited a formal response from the countries he named. But experts said they were likely to have offended, particularly in Japan.
as long as the brezhnev/nixon photo remains for primates on the wikipedia mammals page i’m good
Mammal -
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
please stop calling Elon Musk's website "twix". Twix are delicious and do not deserve to be associated with white supremacy
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
Pro-tip: Telling undercover cops/feds that cops/feds don't have a sense of humor will 100% guarantee the biggest laugh u ever got in your life at your next mid joke
Reposted byAvatar agent jabsco
animals is doctors. turns out
Not just a plant. A paste that he MADE using a plant. "A Sumatran orangutan in Indonesia has self-medicated using a paste made from plants to heal a large wound on his cheek. After researchers saw Rakus applying the plant poultice to his face, the wound closed up and healed in a month."
(reads "this 1997 comedy" and buzzes in) who is Austin Powers
Does anyone else just ignore the Jeopardy host and read the last few words of the clue first? That's what i do