
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
Like every single one of them should have come out swinging, "yes, Biden was a bit under the weather, but did you hear that other guy unable to say a single factual statement. how he talked about him being anti-abortion?" etc...
Yeah, I know that's hard to do when your guy didn't do well, but that's the job — you've got the media's attention, hammer home how the other guy was a lying sociopath on national TV.
for whatever reason the takes economy rewards republicans for attacking the Democratic Party and democrats also for attacking the Democratic Party
My entire life, the Democratic Party pundit class has always hated whatever Democrats are in office but the way they despise Biden is pretty next level.
Not as much as they hated Hillary, and probably not as much as they hate Kamala, but it's getting close.
It is, in large part, a widespread cynicism and nihilism about a hypothetical voter who is too stupid to understand rhetorical or performative nuance. The kind of lack of faith in country that might very well be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I mean, I have to admit during the first 20 minutes my heart was sinking.. and I was worried afterwards but the data coming in made me feel less scared not more. But of course what makes me nervous is the reaction of the media and political junkies who are assuming what the median voter thinks
faith in america has always been naive.
My rational self agrees but l know how I felt and what I thought during the debate. Can’t be unseen, can’t be spun away. There are serious, life long D’s despairing and telling them to chill won’t cut it. Gonna require a lot of work, including considering change.