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Atlanta-based DP and camera operator, happy to be invited.
Weird how pushing back with a modicum of force on your actual opponents puts them in a corner.
President Biden and other Democrats are increasingly focusing their attacks on an aggressive right-wing agenda called Project 2025 that is being pushed by allies of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump — prompting Trump and his team to lash out in recent days at supporters of the effort.
Democrats focus attacks on right-wing Project 2025 pushed by Trump allieswww.washingtonpost.com The former president has sought to disavow the plan being touted by former advisers and aides, but Trump has endorsed many of the same ideas.
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The lesson from France is that sometimes you have to hold your nose to defeat fascism. You can't beat it with your own ideological purity.
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The far right cope machine is already trying to manufacture a narrative about the massive loss the French fascists faced today. They are scared they can sense what’s coming to America and it’s not fascism. Popular fronts win and scare fascists. Keep them on the back foot they are weak and scared.
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easy to chalk the stuff in france up to some vague platitude about ~voting~ but it feels to me like more proof that you have to give people something to vote FOR, and that socialism remains better equipped to beat fascism than liberalism does! just one gal’s opinion
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The biggest issue with Biden coverage is that he’s now The Story, which means that most of the press is focused on The Story and not any of the context or consequences. If we were having a serious discussion about qualifications for presidency, age, and the two main candidates, I’d be fine with it.
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
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we’re in danger
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here: newrepublic.com/article/1834...
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!”newrepublic.com Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
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This is the truth
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seems newsworthy, can’t wait to hear about it showing up in paragraph 47 of another piece about how biden is old
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
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More of this, please. Stuff like this and Colin Cowherd going off about Trump are worth more than almost any number of 30 second ads the party can buy.
“Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awards. The host of this year's BET Awards warned viewers on multiple occasions about the far-right plan to dismantle and remake the government in Trump's image.” www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/sh...
Taraji P. Henson made Project 2025 the talk of the BET Awardswww.msnbc.com The draconian plan supported by conservative groups to dismantle the government if Donald Trump is elected was the talk of the Black Entertainment Television Awards.
One of the more under-discussed elements of replacing Biden and why it's unlikely is that it's a sky-high risk/low reward proposition for any contender. You have to turbo charge an election, try not to look power hungry, AND, if you lose, you will never ever live it down.
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the conservative theory of law in one headline
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
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Not to rip off @quinnae.com's book, but: Change is made by movements of people fighting for or against something. It will probably not be accomplished by posting. It is in the interest of social media sites -- even this one! -- to make you think nothing can be changed, so you keep on posting.
One function of social media is to leave you permanently frozen in a state of "things can only get worse." This is not to say things can't -- and possibly will -- get worse. It is to say that nothing is inevitable, and we all have a role in creating the future, no matter how powerless we feel.
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if there is one survival skill I would REALLY like everyone opposed to the fascist GOP to learn right now, it's "do not say things on the public internet that will provide authorities with useful pretenses for coming after you."
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
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The words in the constitution don't give the president immunity, nor was that the intention of the authors. But you must understand that the meaning of the constitutional vibes have evolved over time in a way only I can detect. Now there are penubras and emanations that tell me he is in fact immune.
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maybe seizing and arresting the Supreme Court majority for aiding and abetting an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government can be a "core constitutional duty" and an "official act," why not
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There are like 10,000 stupid conservative initiatives that are exactly the same "piss off working class people if they knew about them" as this circular saw thing, the thing the left lacks isn't good policy, but a media apparatus that reaches working class people www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/m...
The Blue-Collar Democrat Who Wants to Fix the Party’s Other Big Problemwww.nytimes.com Marie Gluesenkamp Perez flipped a rural red district to get to Congress. Now she wants to help her party do more of the same.
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The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests. donmoynihan.substack.com/p/the-money-...
The Money Coupdonmoynihan.substack.com What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
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Just got an acceptance email story! And then went back and rechecked the email at least three times to make sure I hadn't read it wrong. Because there's always some part of me that thinks I must have read it wrong. But I wasn't wrong. I got another story acceptance!
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A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
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In all seriousness public consciousness around the courts is night and day from pre 2016. The Barbie movie had a joke about appellate judgeships!
I missed that Barbra Streisand weighed in on chevron
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one of the problems with modern politics reporting is that it should not be on me, shitposter, to have to explain presidential campaign fundamentals to the general public, this is literally the job of politics reporters and they are virtually all failures at it
trump faces sentencing in less than two weeks, and while he may not get jail time, he might get home confinement — whatever it is, he's extremely unlikely to get *nothing* on more than three dozen felony counts, and every time "convicted felon" comes up, his support drops with independents
In other news, inflation looks beaten. The blip a few months ago looks like start-of-year price resets, and what’s left is lagged housing costs
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On the same morning, the Court said: 1) We should not presume to know more than small town mayors regarding complex, technical questions like whether to arrest people for being poor. 2) I don't see why a "PhD" in "nuclear physics" should have any latitude to implement ambiguous energy rules.
Not to be a sycophantic ally or anything, but also just free stacks of money. For real. Why not? Shit's expensive! And even if it wasn't, it's nice to have cash!
i keep thinking the condom bowl at the planned parenthood is free candy unfortunately 🗣️REPOST IF YOU THINK THERE SHOULD BE FREE CANDY AT THE TRANSGENDER HEALTH CLINIC! 🗣️
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I think the opposite. He should be going on TV a lot, ideally to announce big new policies
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Hey @jbouie.bsky.social! I teach high school history in NYC. Due to budget cuts, we’re struggling with basic supplies for the upcoming school year Can you RT to #clearthelist for my students and help me create the next generation of historians? ➡️ www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/...
The biggest losers of that debate? Anyone who watched it or stuck through the whole thing (me).