Alex Knapp

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Alex Knapp

Senior Editor covering science and healthcare at Forbes.

"Eppur si muove"
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just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
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Doing my annual rewatch of 1776 and god do I love William Daniels' performance in this film.
In this week's edition of InnovationRx, Katie Jennings and I take a look at: 😷 The latest in avian flu, from a new human infection to vaccine status. 🔬 A startup enlisting the microbiome in the fight against cancer. 💊 The FDA's approval of Alzheimer's drug donanemab. And more....
InnovationRx: A Fourth Dairy Worker Has Contracted Avian Plus: Biotech Startup Kanvas Biosciences Has Raised $12.5 Million To Find Bacteria That Help Fight Cancer
Imagine the impact on a campaign if Democrats spent as much time attacking the Republican nominee for president as they did their own.
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Colorado reports the 4th human infection with the #birdflu virus circulating in cows. Farmworker. Symptoms like cases 1 & 2 — conjunctivitis. Has recovered. At this point it's clearly an #H5 infection; @CDC will be testing to see if there is enough virus to confirm the N type. This is not surprising
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🧪 #H5N1 #influenza poses a threat to wildlife, livestock & public health. 🐄 Have been recent cases in US cattle herds & spillover infections to humans ❓How can mathematical modellers contribute to the health response? 🔗 to Plus Magazine article to find out more:
Beating bird flu with With bird flu spreading through cattle herds in the US and infecting humans, the diseases poses a severe threat to wild life, poultry and also people. What can mathematical modelling do to help?
I hate to credit Thomas Jefferson with being right about stuff, but go back and read his late-in-life critiques of the dangers of judicial review combined with lifetime appointments and the man was spot on.
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this entire crusade against diversity in hiring and admissions is based on the supposition that all white men are necessarily more qualified than any nonwhite person or woman who might be considered for the job. like, this lawsuit more or less states that outright.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
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1. #USDA added 2 Colorado dairy herds to its list of #H5N1 #birdflu infected farms today, bringing its total to 139 in 12 states since testing first started in late March. It is still missing 2 herds, 1 each in Iowa & Minnesota. And the day is young.
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Mississippi is the poorest state in the US. Even though the state gets federal welfare funds, it is difficult to get welfare. The money was all getting stolen, and they got away with it. Now the journalists who exposed the story are facing a lawsuit and jail.
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.
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We're 344 subscribers away from where we were before Amazon pulled the rug out from under their traditional subscription program. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but still much work to do.
Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction & Subscribe to Clarkesworld Magazine
"The fundamental danger of Donald Trump is that he’s an autocrat who refuses to accept the will of the voters. So the proper response is to throw out millions of votes, dump the overwhelming choice, and replace him with someone selected by a handful of insiders?"
The Absurdity of the Dump-Biden Nervous Democrats mount an antidemocratic campaign against their own president.
One thing about the current discourse that's weirdly not discussed is that Biden is consistently polling ahead in the 65+ group, a demographic no Democratic Presidential candidate has won since the 1970s. Push aside Biden because he's "too old" and I wonder if Dems still lead that demographic...
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Look people. WE ARE LADY PARTS is right there. It’s right there waiting for us to appreciate it. Why would you not go appreciate it, and love it as much as it deserves? It’s there for you in these dark times.
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Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.
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So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
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“This is a lot like two drunk guys at a bar saying I'm too drunk to drive home,” aerospace consultant Cliff Collier told Forbes. “And then one of them says, ‘I know, we'll get in the same car and go together.’ This is not going to solve either company's problems.”
For Boeing, Buying Spirit Is Only The Start Of Solving Its Improving the fuselage maker's operations will be a complicated task that takes years. Amid all their other problems, it's not clear Boeing management knows what to do.
Caesar crossed the Rubicon in order to avoid being prosecuted for breaking the law.
Good afternoon - here I am on the Forbes YouTube channel talking about our "Hot Virus Summer" of Covid, Avian Flu, West Nile and more....
How Likely Is It That Bird Flu Will Be The Next Global Pandemic? YouTube video by Forbes Breaking News
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"In America, the law is king." — Thomas Paine in Common Sense, the pamphlet that helped the American Revolution catch fire:
Shorter SCOTUS: The President isn't a King, he's a Caesar.
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fwiw, not a single early modern king - INCLUDING THE FUCKING ONE THIS COUNTRY REBELLED AGAINST AT THE FOUNDING - would have claimed they enjoyed a status above the law the made the law but were always subject to it
Holy shit. Bow down to the god-kings, apparently.
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Side note: As followers know, I also often cover right-wing and/or conservative Christian political events — sometimes in the same locales, days apart. I'm always struck by how both groups are sizable, have long histories, and are passionately faith-led, yet espouse just…wildly different theology.
My dispatch from today's Poor People's Campaign demonstration in DC, where faith leaders, union members and others advocated for the poor, condemned Christian nationalism, talked about the debate, and decried a recent SCOTUS decision.
Thousands of faith leaders, union members, activists rally for WASHINGTON (RNS) — 'It is wrong for the highest court in the land to criminalize homelessness,' said the Rev. Liz Theoharis, co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign.