
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
Like every single one of them should have come out swinging, "yes, Biden was a bit under the weather, but did you hear that other guy unable to say a single factual statement. how he talked about him being anti-abortion?" etc...
Yeah, I know that's hard to do when your guy didn't do well, but that's the job — you've got the media's attention, hammer home how the other guy was a lying sociopath on national TV.
for whatever reason the takes economy rewards republicans for attacking the Democratic Party and democrats also for attacking the Democratic Party
My entire life, the Democratic Party pundit class has always hated whatever Democrats are in office but the way they despise Biden is pretty next level.
Not as much as they hated Hillary, and probably not as much as they hate Kamala, but it's getting close.
It is, in large part, a widespread cynicism and nihilism about a hypothetical voter who is too stupid to understand rhetorical or performative nuance. The kind of lack of faith in country that might very well be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I mean, I have to admit during the first 20 minutes my heart was sinking.. and I was worried afterwards but the data coming in made me feel less scared not more. But of course what makes me nervous is the reaction of the media and political junkies who are assuming what the median voter thinks
faith in america has always been naive.
My rational self agrees but l know how I felt and what I thought during the debate. Can’t be unseen, can’t be spun away. There are serious, life long D’s despairing and telling them to chill won’t cut it. Gonna require a lot of work, including considering change.
It is very very tiring. Dems can't admit to their own strength and merit and fret over every precieved weakness
Yeah like their winning issue is abortion access, so of course their presidential nominee is a catholic very vocal about his personal opposition to it and then wonder why there was no federal movement to protect access!
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Seems like we (and the media) might be grading on a curve 🤔
Are you suggesting, and I am truly shocked, that the media is judging Joe more harshly. Who could imagine that? I mean, what would Maggie Haberman say?
Yeah but the bar is so low and the dem guy can't clear it. Head in the sand ain't the way
Like not be a lifetime criminal under several indictments, one of which involved trying a coup? I think Biden clears that.
This is what I mean when I say that libs love Trump.
I guess I am missing your meaning.
Trump gives libs permission to be almost as bad as him.
So you don’t have a point.
And the standard bearer being a habitual liar.
These debate club-AP nerds who asked for weekend homework are going to destroy us all
Yes, but the reason is given current environment the only person who will ever make that argument is the one running for president. Sure it’s not fair, but the media is not doing it. So Biden had to do it last night and had 100 chances, and did not do the job.
This is not even close to correct.
critique of democrats: They always attack the Democratic candidate, while Republicans always defend their candidate. democrat response: Yes, but have you considered attacking the Democratic candidate??
The same stupid reaction as Howard Dean's yell or Al Franken stepping down. CNN didn't punish Trump for never actually answering a question. No one asked about Project 2025. Double down, Dems. Independents like me are tired of carrying your fainting goats over the finish line.
The Union was routed at Bull Run, and McClellan was too many times shamefully intimidated to use the powerful army he'd built to decisively defeat the Confederates. But the line was held, and the Union prevailed. Hold the line.
They ended up having to shitcan McClellan and shop around for a more competent general...
Right now I want Sherman back to selectively finish a controlled burn
Its infuriating. Capitulation is so pathetic.
Dude it’s not just a bad debate. It’s clear evidence of cognitive decline. It seems like you might be in some denial.
Listen to any Trump rally speech.
Trump is actually very skilled at lying in 1 & 2 minute vignettes, and skilled at packing those vignettes with the maximum number of lies.
trump hits his talking points while spouting the same level of ridiculous lies he did 4 years ago. biden doesn’t clear that bar, he can’t even get propaganda out.
I kind of don't care? Why should I? Seriously! I haven't seen a compelling argument for why I should care about Biden being old and dumb. It's just sort of assumed that it's a problem, but I really don't see the issue.
Sometimes presidents need to make tough decisions after 9 pm when they have a cold
You can care about that or not I guess. Up to you!
Sure but Trump supporters have accepted his flaws & crimes and voters gained no new insight from this debate into his (lack of) fitness to serve; Biden’s performance raised legitimate questions about his mental acuity, not just his debate skills. And I’m not sure how Dem ops spin that.
Dems In Disarray (For Real This Time)
Kind of makes you wonder why we are countering the "I will vote for this asshole no matter what" candidate with the "I can't believe I have to vote for this guy" candidate.
It’s because we are sane — and Republicans are delusional and amoral. They should be flipping out 100Xs as hard, and the fact that they aren’t is on them. The media/NYT is another story entirely, trying to balance their “weaknesses”. Trump is a rapist, a fascist criminal— not the equivalent of aged.
If you're running against someone like that, it's PRETTY IMPORTANT you not flub it.