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Hatching insidious plans with The Woke Mob to strike out at helpless white supremacists, transphobes, and bigots. #BLM #ProAbortion (she/her)

If we knew each other on Xitter, let me know: aristeia/arissarox.

Salvare i lupi: https://nywolf.org/
No apology needed. Very cool experience to have though! I have had some similar observations in written media. Sometimes the disparity is mind blowing.
No worries. I woke up today in zombie mode and it's only gotten worse. I just assumed it was me because my brain is mush. 😩
That was my point, higher ups made the choice to hire McDaniel and higher ups made the choice to take shows off the air temporarily. The staff were the voice of reason in the former. They're not the ones making dumb decisions. At least not nearly as often as the head honchos. 😑
Unless I am misunderstanding your response and you're saying different honchos made those decisions. If that's the case, ignore me. :)
Strange how they were okay with Ronna McDaniel being a contributor but they don't trust their own people to read the situation like a professional? The same people that publicly called out their own bosses over McDaniel being hired?
Omg, it's worse than I thought.
First... thank you. Second... ugh.
My blood is a goddamn asshole
I have been avoiding TV news for a week or so. Sorry to be that person but can you clue me in?
We should be. I have less and less patience for people who refuse to pay attention to what's going on.
This is part of the reason why I get frustrated because we had a slew of other options in the last democratic primary. People didn't show up for the others, so we got Biden. Now we deal with the hand we dealt to ourselves.
I subscribe to reformist socialism and I was raised by a socialist grandparent, and have been paying attention to these ideals before Bernie or bust became a thing. Imo, it's inherently selfish, illogical, and dangerous to think that significant progress is an immediate possibility.
Of course, we hope to have big change. But how is that possible when we're heading in the very opposite direction aggressively? Real life beckons, these so-called progressives are not helping in the end.
If Biden isn't re-elected, then we have a hell of a lot more to worry about than his relationship with Israel and not getting enough student loans forgiven. It's insane to me that anyone that is a progressive would not understand that.
I would LOVE if we were in the position to be so critical of our current president (in voting) without the fear of the end of our democracy. But... y'know... reality.
But remember, life begins at conception... and sometimes ends in a hail of rapid gunfire (but it's definitely NOT a machine gun if it's because of a bump stock) a few short years later, because Americans like the idea of killing others more than they like seeing children survive 2nd grade.
Right after Uvalde, I wrote this satirical rant about our war hero kids using their dead classmates as shields and using their blood to help them play dead. Wish it wasn't based in truth
Was the post you initially responded to satire? Or was he really suggesting that Biden was at fault for not forgiving more loans? I have PLENTY of Biden critiques, but they're all based in, y'know, reality.
I edited a wonderful book in April by a brilliant first time author and I can officially plug it now, as pre-orders for the e-book are available. I love this book. I'm jazzed I got to edit it, but if I hadn't, I would still be recommending it to everyone. books2read.com/u/bP8BwJ
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One of the best things about Elijah's writing is how visual it comes off without going on at length. You can clearly picture everything and it feels like a movie in your head. There's a blend of humor, intrigue, darkness, and compassion. Plus the delicate balance between life and death.
He was a fine Bond. He was a better Bond than he's ever given credit for and IMO way better than Moore.
I'm icky sick with a fire throat, so I am watching comfort TV. And I can't tell you how much this moment brings me extreme joy.
I don't consider myself even remotely "knowledgeable" about this topic and yet I still believe I know more than most of the US. And it's frustrating to see a lot of b.s. floated without any attempt to read tf up.
Also, as someone with a BA in Classics, we've been repeating bad decisions for millennia. It's very disheartening. And it doesn't even have to be that long ago before we conveniently forget how we screwed up
Okay, so I know McJesus scored anyway, but the way my jaw went through the floor, into the molten magma core of Earth after that save by Tkachuk...
I woke up the next morning still incandescent with rage
And it's mainly for this shit though, that's what blows my mind. Why is this the thing he decides to be a chump about? Because there's no other way to describe it... other than freier lol.
I had blocked the cybertruck's existence out of my head and initially was stunned to see that it is, in fact, painfully real.