
swing voters and undecided voters basically by definition think about and engage with politics differently than anyone on this site, anyone who writes for the ny times, and the vast majority of the times’ subscribers. otherwise they wouldn’t be undecided/swing voters.
my dental hygienist reports that her boyfriend made her watch the debate, she was unimpressed by either candidate, is very worried about abortion, and to express her displeasure might vote 3rd party
Oh god did she just volunteer all this information while you were a captive audience with your mouth stuck open?
yes. people love to tell me things, to an extent I can scarcely convey
i would say i am also cursed with this but it has helped me immensely as a journalist
How do you respond as a journalist to people saying totally unhinged shit? Like do you just try to keep as neutral an expression as possible and say "oh, that's interesting, tell me more"?