
swing voters and undecided voters basically by definition think about and engage with politics differently than anyone on this site, anyone who writes for the ny times, and the vast majority of the times’ subscribers. otherwise they wouldn’t be undecided/swing voters.
we should all be a little humble when trying to predict their behavior
[humble people] basically by definition think about and engage with politics differently than anyone on this site, etc.
Step 1. Become allergic to all political news. Step 2. Do anything else and avoid all politics. Politics are now fictional and cannot touch you. You live in another realm.
nobody who posts on this site should presume to know anything about the politics of normal people
How come? Most people I know are “normal people”, unlike me.
nearly everyone who posts regularly here is an internet weirdo and i can’t imagine internet weirdos can accurately see through the eyes of non-weirdos
I have coworkers that are all regular old idiots like we’re talking about.
This is what I’ve been saying, and one response I get is, swing voters aside, what about how this affects enthusiasm and thus turnout? But to my (non-expert) mind, Dem enthusiasm/turnout in this election will be largely driven by anti-Trump feeling no matter the candidate
i think that makes a lot of assumptions about enthusiasm for candidate [TBD]. when has harris proven the ability to generate enthusiasm? certainly not in the primaries or as veep? and how will dems and ESPECIALLY black dems react if she’s passed over for some untested unknown
Some one on the Daily Show in 2020 summed up Harris as “she the police”. That is 100% correct. She’s not a progressive. She’s a cop. It would be like having president Eric Adams.
Eric Adams is awful as mayor and I am hoping we can vote him out but I’d vote for him as president if it meant keeping Trump out. I’d vote for a dead body if it meant not Trump. It’s an absolutely garbage ‘choice’ but that’s where we are.
I agree. But I’m saying why I wouldn’t be excited about Harris.
Ahh. Yes. It would be nice to be excited about someone for once. Feels like a dream.
Eric Adams is probably corrupt and definitely a buffoon. I don’t think Biden should drop out, but comparing Harris to him is genuinely offensive.
Harris put parents in jail because they were working too hard to get their kids to school on time. She’s not as dumb a cop as Adams, but she is as mean a cop as Adams.
I’m familiar with Harris’s record but I think you should think about why your mind seems to have gone first to comparing her to Adams when there are plenty of “tough on crime” politicians out there.
That's not remotely true, my guy. Harris has issues but she's not a total buffoon. She's not going to get her salary paid in bitcoin.
Honestly, as much as it would be a bs nepotism pick and I think it's too late for replacing Biden anyway, the way to go would be Michelle Obama. Is she a politician? Not really but I don't think swikg voters would care.
She has repeatedly said no to the idea.
She should say no because it's insane and she's not a politician. But it would work better than any candidate I can think of.
I always think about that study that concluded swing voters are barely even a thing!
The variable is low motivation party voters, not mid to high motivation swing voters
This is me agreeing with you
Isn't this more or less how 2016 shook out? (Trump activated low propensity voters and Clinton couldn't hold the Obama coalition - but Obama probably also activated low propensity voters and those voters may not be transferable)
my dental hygienist reports that her boyfriend made her watch the debate, she was unimpressed by either candidate, is very worried about abortion, and to express her displeasure might vote 3rd party
Oh god did she just volunteer all this information while you were a captive audience with your mouth stuck open?
yes. people love to tell me things, to an extent I can scarcely convey
i would say i am also cursed with this but it has helped me immensely as a journalist
I'm building up toward one day where, in a misguided attempt to win me over as a friend, one of my patients confesses to an unsolved murder
*podcast incoming* "When one of Mark's patients seemed to confess to a crime that had had the town guessing whether there was a murderer among them for more than a decade, he knew he had to sink his teeth into it ... listen to 'Tooth And Nail' on [*bleep*] or wherever you get your podcasts"
... it's a strange delight to see you post casually about this after reading you in the NYT.
How do you respond as a journalist to people saying totally unhinged shit? Like do you just try to keep as neutral an expression as possible and say "oh, that's interesting, tell me more"?
Earlier this year I encouraged someone to vote in the primary. She said she never votes because she thinks it is all fixed in advance and the politicians just decide for themselves. As soon as she said it, I think she realized that she didn't have a sympathetic ear on that theory.
Wasting what could be your last meaningful POTUS vote on a 3rd party candidate is a helluva decision.
I don't think she made the slightest connection between voting, abortion, or the possibility of future voting, and I suspect she's not alone
This is why I laugh at anyone in politics who calls themselves a centrist. If you are a political journalist or a politician you can not be representative of the center. The center in US politics isn’t paying attention to the election yet. The center wouldn’t consider running for office.
Tim Russert was apolitical and a great journalist.
You are correct. My entire point is that only weird political people have jobs related to politics. If you are aware of what is happening in politics more than a month or two outside of a, congressional, or presidential election, you are weird. I am weird. It’s ok.
I feel like a lot of politics nerds have never done much canvassing, as it tends to teach you pretty quickly that voters are an amazingly messy, complex, weird bunch. I remember saying something about how it taught him how polling tidies people into nice tidy boxes.
Yes! It's a real problem actually that most political journalists and pundits seem to have zero experience with canvassing or other grassroots organizing. It should be mandatory training for anyone covering politics.