Adam Nelson

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Adam Nelson

If you see this, post a picture from your phone if you like, but don’t explain it.
If you see this, post a picture from your phone if you like, but don’t explain it.
If you see this, quote post with a beach photo from your gallery.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
This actually makes him the Captain Jack Harkness of his time.
Ben Franklin was the Doctor Who of his time, a man who would go anywhere, embroil himself in any conflict, but this was merely a byproduct of his real passion to have sex with everyone.
Avatar So listened to the pod. Another little Disco/Enterprise thing that I took as a nod…When Burnham, et al had the away team armor on, the lighting around the shoulder is in the same place as the ENT jumpsuit colors. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw them.
Here’s 46, wondering wtf happened.
I see a prompt is going around for the forty plus types among us to put up selfies so of course I'm gonna do one until I get sick of seeing my own dumbass face and delete it. Anyway this is 47 so far I guess
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
One thing that is very clear from the interactions I see on here every day is that a shit ton of white Americans are purely incapable of acting normal when a Black person is speaking.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
Hello from 39k feet. This will never get old to me.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
One thing is clear at this point: if Donald Trump becomes president again next year and takes the US all the way down the road to fascist dictatorship, the blame will lie not with “the left” who didn’t vote hard enough, or even the Trumpkins who want blood in the streets, but with Joe Biden alone.
Breaking news: The Biden administration approved the transfer of thousands of more bombs to Israel on the same day Israeli airstrikes in Gaza killed seven aid workers for the charity group World Central Kitchen, three U.S. officials told The Post.
U.S. approved more bombs to Israel on day of World Central Kitchen The Biden administration agreed to transfer thousands more bombs to Israel the same day World Central Kitchen workers were killed in Israeli airstrikes.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
yeah, this pretty much sums me up too. IDIC, bitches.
Who is with me?
Drop a ship that's not from star wars or star trek
Drop a ship that's not from star wars or star trek
Post something blue from your gallery
Post something blue from your gallery.
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head
It was a beautiful night to takeoff on a quick getaway.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
Today let’s remember this story about Kris Kristofferson absolutely destroying Toby Keith (from a Rolling Stone article by Ethan Hawke, for some reason)
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
This is a long read, but it's worth every word. If you want to know how Jack-Welchism has fundamentally made being a professional absolutely horrible, this is outstanding.
Crash How Boeing's managerial revolution created the 737 MAX disaster
Reposted byAvatar Adam Nelson
The animating purpose of representative democracy is to protect the rest of us from the whims of insane rich people, be they kings or oligarchs. Everything else is wainscoting.
Peter Thiel Is Taking a Break From It’s one of his many, many disappointments.
Well, I’m here now. Hopefully the merry-go-round can stop.
End of feed.