Cherie Priest

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Cherie Priest

Get vax/punch nazi. MA, ADHD, ACAB. Book rep: Stacia Decker at DCL; film rep: Tara Timinsky, Grandview LA. Contact - [email protected]
tfw their auntie comes back from dinner with sweet potato fries and she’s gonna SHARE
tfw Dad is eating wings right in front of you and he finally cracks
The Morning Monty SAID no PAPARAZZI thank you very much
goooood morning it is sunny and warming up fast - so I’ll get some shades and we will get rolling, because one way or another: Dogs Want Walks
but what if your snack WAS for dogs what then
sitting on the deck having sangria, while the excavation and demolition expert lounges underneath
Perhaps I only imagined my wife making a “Yoink!” sound when, right after gifting me Cinderwich by , she took it for herself to read. (TBF, I have to finish what I’m reading first.)
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This is the explicit goal of an astonishing amount of paid (and paid for!) propaganda out there. If you're feeling voting doesn't matter, maybe consider why it is so many people are spending so much money, time, effort and ad space trying to convince you not to.
“If a [political] party knows you’re not going to vote for them, the best thing they can do is convince you not to vote at all." — Stage_Door_Johnny (on instagram)
The Morning Monty doesn’t really mind the fireworks
goooood morning it is bright and cool and we haven’t heard too many fireworks - so let’s get moving while the streets are still quiet - because even when there are auditory obstacles: Dogs Want Walks
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honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
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Alternatively make friends with a criminal defense lawyer who does 1st amendment cases. I miss so much. But yes before you go to ANY protest, know 1) who will show up with cash to bail you out and 2) who your lawyer is
If you are going to be protesting anywhere near the Republican National Convention, write the NLG number on your stomach in Sharpie (not your arm: cops use that as "evidence of premeditation"). They are fucking superheroes. Give them money to keep being superheroes:
Donate - National Lawyers
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as a politics knower I think the democrats should simply do the thing that makes it easiest to win, but also aligns with both all my prior posts and all my most panicked recent posts. this is very simple and obvious.
my brother in Christ, etc etc etc
The Morning Monty is very pleased that his auntie has come to town and she brought her scritching nails with her 💅🏻
Reposted byAvatar Cherie Priest
Hey! It's new podcast day! And we had the pleasure of chatting with all about her new book, CINDERWITCH. Join us as we discuss creating small towns just ripe for gothic mysteries, peculiar traditions, and weird, haunting circumstances.
goooood morning it is cool and overcast but the day will warm up fast - so let’s get rolling before the sun comes out, because cooler is better than warmer when Dogs Want Walks
anyway the sun came OOOUUUT
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Things are going very well when we've reached the "Don't worry, the military won't obey orders to kill civilians" stage of democratic backsliding. It's the sweet spot, where good things happen. Right where we want to be.
Reposted byAvatar Cherie Priest
saying things like "i know you didn't make this decision, and i'm sorry for being angry at you, but i need to understand that this is unacceptable, because " does actually help. they're essentially doing customer service for the officials.
You also have to maintain plausible deniability while being unbearably annoying: be pleasant to the office staff while wearing them down, or they'll label your number, name, and email, and just not interact with you at all.
The Morning Monty hears that his auntie is coming back to visit, and he is intrigued by the shenanigan possibilities.
goooood morning it is cool and cloudy and yes I’m running late - we have a houseguest coming for a week and things are hectic, but never fear: Dogs Got Walks (thanks, husband!)
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frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
The Morning Monty is ready to get this week rolling 🤘
goooood morning it is cool and overcast but dry, and that’s good enough for these two - so I’ll get some sneakers and a sweater and here we go, because you’ve gotta start the week right when Dogs Want Walks