
Xander Lenc
Xander Lenc
Carceral geographer. Prison history, ecology, healthcare, labor, and capitalism.
Capital B
Capital B
A local-national nonprofit news org for Black audiences. Check us out at
Bill Miller
Bill Miller
ID Epidemiology, mostly STIs, HIV, substance use. Editor--in-Chief of STD. Past president of SER. Teacher of scientific writing. Pizza maker. Bread baker. Human dad. Cat dad.
Dave Vanness
Dave Vanness
Health economist interested in using Bayesian methods to improve decision making about health and health care. Advocate for high quality, affordable higher education as a public good. Personal views only.
David Brady
David Brady
Public policy professor, father, partner, poverty/social policy/ racial inequality/ health/ immigration, Price School USC, WZB Berlin, he/him, trying to quit Twitter
Ari B Friedman
Penn Assistant Prof. Emergency doc, health economist, geriatrics and privacy researcher.
Jacob Wallace
Jacob Wallace
Assistant Professor @ Yale SPH and Sixers fan. Health economist whose research is focused on the Medicaid program.
S. Kramer
S. Kramer
Librarian, information junkie, energy seeker. Not sure how many more social accounts I have in me.
Karen Tani
Karen Tani
Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor in History & Law @Penn. Co-runs the Legal History Blog. Research focuses on modern U.S. history, including poverty, disability, rights, federalism, agencies, the state, LPE.
Designer/Futurist/Strategist. Climate conscious. Always curious. Enjoys books, crosswords, puzzles & dogs. Caribbean born & bred. Background: woman on a rope swing with wooden seat inches above the cool emerald waters at Frenchman’s Cove, Portland 🇯🇲
Eva Rosen
Eva Rosen
Sociologist, urbanist, ethnographer, prof of public policy at Georgetown, author of The Voucher Promise
Working Class History
Working Class History
History isn't made by kings or politicians, it's made by us: billions of ordinary people.
Fatima Ayub
Fatima Ayub
Political analyst focused on global conflict and security, Afghanistan, the Middle East and US politics. Purveyor of quality nonsense. Rare Afghan with two names.
Cora Harrington
Cora Harrington
MA student in Fashion & Textile Studies. Formerly The Lingerie Addict.
Katie Hauschildt
Katie Hauschildt
sociologist working on equity in & after critical care • Johns Hopkins University • lil’ artsy, mostly woodburning • typos/views my own • she/they
Four Years Ago Today
Four Years Ago Today
This account was born on March 6, 2024 when Elise Stefanik asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”)

Send complaints to
Jackie Ellison
Jackie Ellison
Health services researcher, repro policy & equity, assistant professor @UPitt
Florida woman 🦎☀️
Melody Schreiber
Melody Schreiber
Health/science + Arctic journalist. Editor of WHAT WE DIDN'T EXPECT: PERSONAL STORIES ABOUT PREMATURE BIRTH. Gardener, reader, turtle admirer, newsletter-er at
Andrés Pérez-Rojas, PhD
Andrés Pérez-Rojas, PhD
Counseling psychologist. UMD alumnus. Associate Professor at IU Bloomington. Culture, politics, therapy, nerdiness. Views my own. He/Him/El 🇻🇪🇪🇸🇺🇸
Laura Helmuth
Laura Helmuth
Editor in Chief of Scientific American, Formerly at Washington Post, National Geographic, Slate, Smithsonian, Science. Past prez National Association of Science Writers. Birder
Lance Gravlee
Lance Gravlee
Anthropologist and pilot. On leave from U Florida, flying for a US-based global airline.
Terry Hyslop
Terry Hyslop
Mom, cancer researcher, biostatistician. Posts are my own, do not reflect my employer or position.

Director, Center for Cancer Health Equity
co-Leader, Cancer Risk and Control Program
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Thomas Jefferson University
Ryan Ken
Ryan Ken
Writer. Actor. Jokes. Running away from El*n.
Peste Magazine
Peste Magazine
Peste is a magazine of health journalism and human rights. Send tips and medical debt cases to 857-242-0630 (signal) or [email protected].
Pausal Zivference
Pausal Zivference
Paul Zivich, Assistant (to the Regional) Professor

Computational epidemiologist, causal inference researcher, amateur mycologist, and open-source enthusiast.

#epidemiology #statistics #python
Katrina Walsemann
Katrina Walsemann
Roger C. Lipitz Distinguished Chair in Health Policy & Professor at UMD School of Public Policy. Pop health & life course researcher. Studying education & dementia.
Seumalu Elora Lee Raymond
Seumalu Elora Lee Raymond
Asst Prof of City Planning, GA Tech. Housing nerd, bike commuter. Atlanta via Boston + Apia. 🇼🇸🇦🇸 she / her / ia
Professor KPA 🗃️😷
Professor KPA 🗃️😷
Professor of Russian & Soviet History at Queens College, CUNY. Author of The Essential Guide to Writing History Essays and An Ordinary Marriage: The World of a Gentry Family in Provincial Russia. Knitter & spinner.
Cynthia Cox
Cynthia Cox
Vice President at KFF, Affordable Care Act, health care costs, outcomes & access to care (in partnership w/ Peterson Center on Healthcare: Go Bears
Bonnielin Swenor
Bonnielin Swenor
Disability Equity Researcher | Disability Data Justice
Aaron Levine
Aaron Levine
Professor of Public Policy & Associate Dean at Georgia Tech
Bioethics, Science Policy, Cell Manufacturing
Views my own, Not my employer's
Gavin Yamey
Gavin Yamey
Professor of Global Health & Public Policy at Duke University. Director of the Center for Policy Impact in Global Health. DJ at WXDU (Tuesdays, 4-6pm ET, TIME columnist. He/him. Tallest Jew on Earth.
David Fisman.  The other guy is a turnip.
David Fisman. The other guy is a turnip.
Notorious pro-vaxxer and pro-masker. Famously unfair to pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, and the Toronto Star.

Weary of all these death threats with so little follow-through.
Matt Oliver
Matt Oliver
Engineer. Métis. Complexity.
Victor Ray
Victor Ray
Sociologist and author of On Critical Race Theory.
Hannah Davis
Hannah Davis
Research, generative music, machine learning/AI, anti-bias in AI data. Long Covid research & advocacy @ Patient-Led Research Collaborative. She/they
Writer. Activist.
Nate Holdren
Nate Holdren
Hey bluesky. Historian. In decline. Views expressed here are those of a future insightful majority.
Learotha Williams, Jr.  PhD
Learotha Williams, Jr. PhD
Professor of African American and Public History @TSUedu | Coordinator of the North Nashville Heritage Project | Historic Preservationist | Memory Keeper

Jeff Melnick
Jeff Melnick
See link below for Manson book!
American Studies, UMass Boston
Current Project- “Boston Sounds, 1974-1999” @fsu_UMB

Books on 9/11, Leo Frank, Manson, yet kind of strangely cheerful…
Patrick Hickey
Patrick Hickey
Professor & Chair of Pediatrics at Uniformed Services University. Infectious Diseases. Army. Wishing we could all be a little more kind to each other. My own opinions.
Rachel Hall-Clifford, PhD, MPH, MSc
Rachel Hall-Clifford, PhD, MPH, MSc
Global health, medical anthropology, co-design for health equity. @Emory U, working in Guatemala and beyond. Loves sightings of the absurd and compassion.
Dr. Shantel G. Buggs 🍉
Dr. Shantel G. Buggs 🍉
sociologist into racism, intimacy + culture. co-editor/author of Unsafe Words (Rutgers 2023). disaster bi 🏳️‍🌈. food/theater/fashion/tv junkie. black feminist killjoy.
Tom Kash
Tom Kash
Goats. Great science. Gruyere.
Carrie Coon
Carrie Coon
On strike.
Robin G Nelson
Robin G Nelson
Biocultural Bio Anthropologist at SHESC ASU;
studying familial & community dynamics, child growth, adult health, & parental investment; parent to 2; happy introvert; loves exercise
Justin Joque
Justin Joque
Heba Gowayed
Heba Gowayed
Sociology Prof. Author of REFUGE (2022) ⁦‬⁩. لسه عايزين عيش حريه و عداله اجتماعية
Dr. Lucky Tran
Dr. Lucky Tran
📢 Public Health, Climate Justice, and Science Communication

🎓 Columbia, Cornell, Cambridge, Adelaide

➡️ Find me on other websites:
Blair LM Kelley, Ph.D.
Blair LM Kelley, Ph.D.
Writer/professor/The Oracle