Victor Ray

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Victor Ray

Sociologist and author of On Critical Race Theory.
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The one constant in my conversations about “Project 2025” is that almost everyone is taken aback by what’s in these plans, even people who really pay attention to politics - if not by how radical it is, then by how far-reaching, detailed, and aggressively explicit it is.
I got to talk to Molly Jong-Fast about “Project 2025”:   The radical Right wasn’t ready for Trump’s first presidency. In 2025, they will be. What should people know about these plans for an authoritarian takeover of government?   🧵1/
What Makes “Project 2025” So Will the Right be able to implement these radical plans? Is Trump on board? What happened to traditional conservatism? Let’s tackle some of the key questions surrounding “Project 2025”
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One more thing. This is why so many Black users have stayed on X despite, long before the discourse noticed his awfulness, having nicknamed Musk “Apartheid Clyde.” People go where their people are, they migrate for community. (I know “community” has been a hard to grasp concept on here.)
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So saying that Tressie or Jamelle leaving doesn’t “make or break this place” communicates to me that the person’s definition of success doesn’t consider Black users as a whole. Which, good luck with that given what we know about how things become widely popular 4/?
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Platform migration only works as a collective process. Entire groups and demos must move to make a place successful. Someone, usually thought-leaders and trend-setters, can sign off that a place is legit. Imagine all the users who have left or never joined b/c of the reputation being formed here 3/?
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Bouie may no longer be the “young” I mean here, but consider, when ordinary Black users see people they look up to and respect like Tressie, Jamelle, and Lydia flea because of harassment and racism, are they inspired to think this is a worthy or cool place for them? 2/?
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Saw someone’s take is “Bouie not being here won’t make or break” this site. I am happy to say some things about how platform migration works. It’s true, one user never makes or breaks anything, but for U.S. users the presence of young Black folks has driven the popularity of new tech for decades 1/?
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climate skeptic. reproductive rights opposer. student debt relief denier. lots to work with here.
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…anyway, yeah. Turns out that if your prerequisite for standing up for democracy is that you “not seem too partisan about it,” then you’re just going to be a target and a stepping stone for will-to-power grifters.
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Idly thinking about the 2017 convening I attended on “The State of American Democracy.” It was supposed to be a call-to-arms, standing up against the authoritarian assault on electoral democracy. The organizers wanted to give the thing a bipartisan sheen. …So the invited keynote was JD Vance.
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Is it bad when the VP pick’s hometown paper (owned by high profile GOPers) publishes an anti-Vance op-ed within an hour of learning he is Trump’s running mate? Because that doesn’t seem good.
Vance will hurt Trump's reelection chances. Ohio junior senator isn't ready to be Opinion: Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance probably will not help former President Donald Trump win – and might cost him votes.
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The courts are inherently political, but not sure we have seen the combination of a) strong partisan alignment between President and many judges that a second Trump admin would bring during a period where b) the courts have expanded judicial & presidential power for c) radical right wing goals.
Trump appointee comes up with new legal rationale to declare investigation of his misdeeds as unconstitutional, dismisses case. If special counsels now have to be confirmed by the Senate, they will become less likely to be appointed and slower in their operation.
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So that whole bowling alone fixation when I was in grad school inspired this piece in gender & society. Would have loved to have added that little tidbit 20 years ago (I can’t believe I’m that old)
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So that whole bowling alone fixation when I was in grad school inspired this piece in gender & society. Would have loved to have added that little tidbit 20 years ago (I can’t believe I’m that old)
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It was wild seeing every pundit react to Biden’s press conference by saying, “He seemed in control of his mental faculties … but I’m not sure if that will be enough to shift the polls.” Just say the first part! Voters don’t need prognostications, they need to know whether Biden can do the job.
People are like “HOW WILL BIDEN’S NUMBERS EVER IMPROVE” and the answer is literally “they’ll improve when you talk about something other than how he’s gonna lose”
I think it’s *extremely* risky to run Biden — swapping him out is also extremely risky — but a lot of that risk comes from media coverage of his campaign, not the campaign itself. If they seize on every gaffe and ignore every substantive comment, it’s going to push people to Trump or not voting
A lot the pundits calling for Biden to leave the race spend a lot of time demanding perfect messaging from activists because anything less will hurt Dems. Random college students are supposed to change slogans for electoral expediency but columnists can’t just focus on the stakes of the race?
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New academia reality tv show in which hundreds of highly trained candidates get winnowed down to one champion, who is awarded the opportunity to teach intro classes outside their speciality with no research support!
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I totally understand that. As someone wiser than me already said tonight “punching down or laterally can feel like catharsis,” but it’s not praxis. The pain and threat are real. Neither is solved nor relieved by fighting a fight to hurt an individual who has not harmed you because of one’s hurt.
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So…I’m currently writing a book about Black mediamakers and US democracy. I have interviewed many inc. current+former employees of you know where. I’ve done years of research. I just want to say: you have no f-ing idea from the outside the fight these folks are fighting to try to save you chill out
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For those of us who can’t keep a title in our heads long enough to place an order, here’s publishing info for this book:
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New study from Denisa Gandara and colleagues suggests predictive algorithms commonly used by colleges and universities to determine whether students will be successful may be racially biased against Black and Hispanic students.
Study: Algorithms Used by Universities to Predict Student Success May Be Racially Biased
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It was a real mistake to release the word “priors” into general circulation. It created an entirely new Guy and made several extant classes of Guy worse.
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"What the report finds is that Biden held on to 94% of the people who said they would support him before the debate. For Trump, 86% of people who said they would support him before the debate said they would do so after the debate."
Biden's poor debate performance had almost no impact on voter preference, new report A new report shows that despite Biden’s debate performance – poor as it may have been – voter preferences haven't been impacted.
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thank fuckin Christ somebody is trying to bring up SOMETHING ELSE to talk about
NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: Alito:
This is such a cool study. It reminded me of an interview I heard with Ta-Nehisi Coates about him writing comics. He said something along the lines of his comics writing enraged folks more than anything else and he realized he was messing with their foundational stories.
“In 1946 amid persistent racial divisions, popular radio series Adventures of Superman launched Operation Intolerance, a sequence of new episodes promoting equality, rejecting racial discrimination and exposing the KKK’s bigotry. We find lasting impacts…”
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Seven times between 1801 and 1869 Congress changed the size of the court, going from a low of five justices in 1801 to a high of ten in 1863. In most of those cases, as in 1801 and 1863, the size went up and down in order to fix an imbalance or overreach by the Supreme Court. My latest
The Case for Expanding the Supreme Court Has Never Been Biden has repeatedly refused to endorse “court-packing.” The right-wing justices’ ruling on presidential immunity ought to change his mind.
I reviewed James Jones’ The Last Plantation for The Emancipator.
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Keep this one ready for all the too-clever-by-half arguments against voting you hear, usually from libertarians. Your vote does matter! By
“It’s still the case that your vote does improve our chances of not having a king, and your vote is worth much more than the time it takes to cast it.”
Elections Are Purely Don’t be vain about your vote.
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