Autistic velociraptor

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Autistic velociraptor

I am a talking velociraptor who also happens to be autistic, what else is there to know?
Oh, right. Apparently, I'm a he/him or idk... Whatever goes well with you.
Ma quanto è adorabile quando un americano si lamenta che paga il gallone (3.78 litri) di benzina a 3$ ed è carissimo? Bellino, ti vorrei vedere pagare il litro a 2€. Fa' il conto di quanto ti viene il gallone da seduto.
La bellezza di vedere un autovelox sparare una raffica di flash mentre becca un imbecille correndo troppo in una zona abitata. Questi sono i piccoli piaceri dea vita.
Holy fuck! You're not a clown, Pavel Durov, you're the whole fucking circus! If you had even half of a functional brain, you'd understand how dangerous it is to say this. 30 devs for the whole company? Congratulations, Telegram has become the n.1 target for the hacker world. 🤦
Telegram says it has 'about 30 engineers'; security experts say that's a red flag | Telegram's founder Pavel Durov says his company only employs around 30 engineers. Security experts say that raises serious questions about the company's cybersecurity.
Everyone saying that SCOTUS gave Biden power to do whatever, forget the SCOTUS didn't define what's an official action on purpose: this way they are the ones deciding what's an official action at a later date. No, my friends, you are screwed badly. And I'm really sorry for you.
Pezzodemmerda di 19 anni picchia e violenta ragazza coetanea mentre registra tutto col cellulare. Apriamo le scommesse: Uscirà prima un servizio sul tg (o articolo al giornale) parlando di come questo povero ragazzo ora è tormentato per i fatti O il video di tutto nei gruppi WhatsApp? Io vi schifo.
Oggi arriverò a casa dal lavoro verso le 23. Sempre oggi, è giornata di pulizia stradale in metà del quartiere. Posso bestemmiare preventivamente?
Why does a car which is allergic to water have a windshield wiper in the first place?
Tesla has recalled its Cybertruck for the fourth time due to an error with the windshield wiper controller getting too much electrical current. What do you think?
This is the patent of a toilet paper roll. It shows the correct way to hang it. I am not taking questions about it.
Autism is also this. For me, this headline means there's an 88% of children that can go without food because only a 12% need food (is addicted to it). Specially because that 12% is PREDOMINANTLY (but not exclusively) addicted to junk food. Damn you, literal brain.
Appena si possono caricare i video su bluesky, comincio a mettere in uso la dashcam. Ho materiale per fare un account dedicato alle pazzie che trovo ogni giorno per strada.
Ieri, mentre tornavo a casa, una tipa in macchina ha deciso di fare inversione a U in una strada a senso unico, salire sul marciapiede e la ciclabile per arrivare all'incrocio e prendere la strada giusta. Davanti alle telecamere di traffico. Il calendario oggi è molto più povero di santi.
I think this completely fails to see the point. A game can be easy and unique. Or hard and soulless. Making CoD extra-hard won't make it unique. Is not difficulty what makes ER an extraordinary game. That only adds to it, but doesn't by itself make the game the work of art it is.
You cannot rally against the homogenisation of modern triple-A games AND insist that From Software needs to include an easy mode in their games. It's the same discussion. Either developers can be free to make games that don't appeal to the widest possible base, or they can't.
No, seriamente, come si fa ad essere così imbecille? Cioè raga, una tramvia, a 30km/h per delle rotaie fisse, con un semaforo per farla passare, e ti fai investire? Tu non dovresti mai più guidare. E il motivo è che sei un coglione. Ed i coglioni non dovrebbero guidare.
Firenze, incidente tra auto e tramvia. Interruzione, poi il convoglio Non si registrano feriti. E’ accaduto in via dello Statuto. Per qualche minuto il servizio è stato interrotto
If your car gets hit by the city tram and it's not the tram's fault, you should never again drive. Because if you don't see a thing as big as a tram, running through a fixed and delimited path that can't leave, you're a danger for the road. That, or dumb as a rock. Either way, you shouldn't drive.
I have a theory: American English hasn't recovered from SMS language yet. It's the only reason I can think of to explain why people need to use so many abbreviations in a single post making it unintelligible for a non native. After the second one in a single sentence I refuse to keep reading.
-So you're a synesthete? That's so cool that you can smell sounds and colours! + Yeah... Until you smell a word like "puffo" (Italian for Smurf) and you get disgusted by its stink every time. Things look cool from the outside because we usually only see the good outcomes, never the real ones.
This is true! Please don't support accounts that post photos without credit for clout and/or monetization. maintains a block list of these and other such follower farming accounts here:
Reminder that accounts with random handles and only cat pictures (with zero interaction) are just spam accounts. They exist to build up followers then resell the account. Mostly to crypto bollocks. And the cat pics are stolen (obviously).
Nessuno ha mai detto che svegliarsi alle 4 del mattino faccia bene alla salute. E vi posso dire che un motivo c'è. Chi me lo fa fare? Lo stipendio... 😭
Wow, this year Madrid wanted to compete as the most bigoted city for the Pride. What's the Pride? Heels, drinks, condoms and a flowers. They missed the opportunity to include a picture of pedobear, right? Well... Look better in the poster. I'm not sure it's a coincidence knowing them fascists.
- How could you answer with a "yeah" to my last voice message? + Idk... Have you tried making 8.30 minutes shorter your 9 minutes-long voice message?
My job: Every 60 days you need to change your password. Me: That's fine, I can use password manag... My job: NO YOU CAN'T! Then IT says they're worried bc they've detected that most people use the same password over and over changing the last numbers consecutively. Idk... Password manager anyone?
The most common mistake I've seen lately on the internet: never take intelligence for granted in someone openly saying they are voting conservatives or whatever their local far-right party is. Only treat them as intelligent beings if they show signs of basic thinking processes.
Anyone good with #PHP want to help me adjust our auto-poster to actually have the article image in the link embed? This is it currently:
public_html/includes/bluesky_poster.php · master · liamdawe / gamingonlinux · website code
So we're already 2 minutes into summer, how is the sun killing you today?
"l'assicurazione per il motorino è un furto! 1300€ mi costa!" Disse il tipo, mentre parlava al telefono sul suo motorino, a contromano per una strada a senso unico dopo aver attraversato sulle strisce come un pedone e aver oltrepassato per la destra una macchina. Le frecce neanche le conosceva.
I've noticed that rain has a curious and very noticeable effect on people: as soon as it starts raining, the average driver loses progressively up to 30 points in their IQ. You begin noticing with the first raindrops, the more it rains, the stronger the effect.